Friday 7 October 2011

I guess I should have done this yesterday...

I should have introduced myself to those who do not know me that well.

First of all, I'm David Maruyama. As you can probably tell looking at my last name, I have Japanese blood in me. I'm 50% Japanese, 50% Chinese and 100% Canadian. Unfortunately, I am unable to speak either of my "mother tongues". =(

Currently, I'm a first year B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) program at UofC. I just completed my degree in Biological Sciences at the UofC. Any guesses with what discipline I want to teach in high school? =P (Though I'm not sure if I will end up as a teacher... for another day)

Likes? Well I enjoy watching asian dramas, in particular Japanese dramas. The reason why I prefer Japanese dramas over any other asian dramas (ie: Korean, Taiwanese, Mainland, etc) is because episodes are shorter in length (typically 45 minutes) and seasons/series are short (mostly 9 to 11 episodes). I find that in this way, there seem to be less "filler" in the episodes; they get straight to the point.

I also enjoy building gundam models whenever I have spare time. I find that they help my hand-eye coordination and apparently... seem to help control my shaky hands (I have extremely shaky hands). As to date, I built 1 high grade model (which is a basic kit), 3 master grade models (which is intermediate in my opinion) and 1 perfect grade model (which is advanced).

Hmm what else... I can't think of anything else to write at the moment! I guess I'll get to the next point of writing this entry.

When I blog, I'm going to write random things that interests me for that day. It could be a topic I'm keen in, controversial issues, reviews of certain things, etc. At times, it maybe what I did for the day. Besides working on my literacy skills, I hope to look back at my past as I grow older (like what I was doing with my livespace blog ages ago).

That's it for me now! Oh, and to make it more appealing, I'll try to add a picture to every blog post. This picture was taken from my study spot. Whenever I feel stressed from studying, I'll just look outside to calm down! ^.^

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