Sunday 16 October 2011


I decided to take a break since all these readings are going through one ear and out the other. =(

Well nothing really exciting happened over the past couple of days. I've been going to school, volunteering, work and karate. Time just keeps on flowing...

I actually managed to download iOS 5 on the 12th, but late at night. Luckily, I was able to download the iOS and install it onto my iPhone 4 on my first try! After playing with it for the past couple days, I have to say that I like the changes they made. Perhaps my favorite change is the notification center. Never again will I be interrupted by a text (not that I don't like receiving texts) when I collect money from my dragons or chomping on humans in Zombie Life! Instead of a box pausing my game play, there's a small banner that displays on the top of my screen with the contents of the text message. I'm glad that Apple decided to copy this from Android! Also, I like how I can quickly go respond to a text from the lock screen by swiping across the message. =D

I also like how they place all my new content on the notification center. I can quickly glance at my new texts and emails while check the weather and stocks (though I don't play the stock market... yet).

Another interesting feature is iMessage (apparently a copy of RIM's BBM feature for their blackberries). It's great for iPod touch and iPad users since its essentially another way to send text messages. For iPhone users, I find it to be just a nice gimmick. I guess it's kind of interesting to be able to read when the other person read your text, but one can easily disable this feature...

On to another topic, I decided to start listening to BoA songs again! I uploaded a few of her ballads onto my phone. Being somewhat of an audiophile, I ripped the tracks off my CD collection. Here's a picture of my collection!

I don't want to remind myself how much I spent on these CDs...

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