Wednesday 26 October 2011

Third Day!!

Today we got to start late! 9:45! Woot!

But I still woke up early to do some work. =P First off was gym! I went to Forest's auxiliary gym first to observe the class there. All I can say that it was FREEZING cold in that gym. =(

In the afternoon, I got the chance to visit an ESL group and a group of students that never had the chance to get formal education (LEAD). I have to say it was an eye-widening experience. It's not necessarily different from the other classes, but it gave me a taste of what the life of an ESL student was at school. I wish I could write more, but I don't know how much I'm allowed to diverge! =(

Anyways, the picture of the day comes from the snack I had after practicum today! It was very nutritious and delicious. =P

It consists of cinnamon toast squares, garlic crackers and dark chocolate balls that contain blueberry and acai berry juice/pulp/whatever its called. The little plaid pattern on the bottom left hand corner is my pajama pants! =D

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