Monday 24 October 2011

First day of practicum/field experience!

Well what do you know! Forest Lawn High School isn't as bad as what people tend to think it is! It felt like going back to Pearson, just that the building looks a bit older and that the lockers are HUGE (twice the width of Pearson's I believe!)

In the morning, we started with science classes. I got the chance to experience two extreme ends of the spectrum: Science 14 and Chem 30 H. Quite a difference between the two! (I'm not sure how much I can say, since we're bound to a code of ethics).

In the afternoon, we got the chance to visit math classes. It's interesting how they incorporate technology into the classroom! The teacher was using a Smart Board-like board to go over a quiz, which I found to be quite cool.

Tomorrow, we get to go visit English and Social Studies classrooms. It's going to be quite interesting, since I find these two subjects to be my weakest during my primary and secondary schooling.

Since I'm not allowed to post pictures of my field experience (I think, but I don't want to take any chances...), here is a picture of my Dragon Vale island so far! This is the first out of two (third island is still being made) that I have at the moment!

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