Saturday 29 October 2011

Late post for my 5th day!

I didn't post yesterday since I was out stuffing my face at All You Can Eat (at Sushi Ichiban) =P. After coming home, I played SC 2 until bedtime.

Anyways, my last day at Forest Lawn consisted of me following one teacher throughout the day. I had the chance to visit Science 14s and a Science 20 classroom. It was interesting to see differences between the two Science 14 class taught by two different teachers. (More to come when I write my longer blog tmmr =P)

So to finish up today's post... I got the chance to listen to BoA's new song coming out in December. The title of the song is Milestone. It's a nice slow ballad, but has yet to grow on me. Since I didn't take any pictures recently, here's a picture of BoA to those who don't know what she looks like:

^ The link to her upcoming single!

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