Monday 2 April 2012

1st Day of 2nd Practicum!

Long day today!

I got up bright and early. After a quick breakfast, I got ready and drove to school. Luckily, there wasn't much traffic so I managed to reach my school in 20ish minutes.

My first impression of the school was that it was nice being in a new school. (It's only 9 years old!). I was taken to the conference room to wait for the school liaison to greet us. After an introduction and a description of the school's philosophy, we (8 of us including me) were taken on a tour of the school. Even though it's smaller than Forest Lawn, I found Forest Lawn easier to navigate... Oh well, I'll get used to it eventually.

After the tour, I went to my classroom to meet my partner teacher. (This time, we were all assigned a partner teacher for the 3 weeks). The first class I got to see/help out (mostly see) was a leadership class. It brings back memories of when I was in grade 9 leadership. However, it seems to be more chaotic for there were a large number of activities going on at the same time. From what I could tell, Valley Creek is a very active place to be in!

The next two classes were a math and science class. I got the chance to walk around and help a couple of students with questions today. (I just realized that I probably have to memorize about 120 names! yikes =P... I think I got around 20 down today?...) They were starting their unit on cells. The teacher had a very interesting activity to see how much they knew about the content before starting to teach them about the topic. It was kind of like a KWL chart, but so much cooler =).

In the afternoon, I had the chance to visit a grade 5 class. It was a CALM/Health/What other name you could think of type of class. It still kind of shocks me to see students ranging from 10 years of age, to all the way up to 16. However, it seems to be more beneficial to be placed in a middle school than the traditional elementary and junior high school since students can gradually go through the changes they face in their education (ie: lockers, more than 1 teacher, etc) instead of it happening all of a sudden.

I wanted to go see if I could help the badminton team out after school, but I had to go home early today. Hopefully tomorrow! I better bring my gear =P

Hmm... I do not have a picture for today... so I'll just add some random picture for today


I tend to forget adding credits now a days... but anyways, this photo is taken from the set of BoA's upcoming movie: COBU 3D. It's a dance movie that is set up to be a Romeo & Juliet like storyline. I already have a guess that it isn't going to be a blockbuster or Academy Award Winning film, but I might just watch it for the sake of seeing my old idol in a Hollywood movie as the main heroine. =P

Day Three about me: MSN

I get this question from time to time, though I guess I never fully address it. When I log onto msn/adium, I always sign in as "Busy". The reason I do this is because I dislike hearing the notification sound . I understand that I could easily disable that sound under the option settings, but I guess I'm too lazy to do that... =P

So key point is, I'm not really "Busy". If I'm really busy, I usually don't go on MSN... unless I need help with an assignment or something along those lines. Feel free to talk with me on MSN if you ever get bored!! I usually never initiate conversations since I'm not sure whether others have the same mentality as I do when it comes to MSN (ie: going on when they have nothing else to do =P).

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