Tuesday 3 April 2012

2nd Day!

2nd day of practicum!

I arrived earlier than I expected, but it was good because I had time to discuss things with my partner teacher. Also, it gave me some time to memorize more of the student's names. I think I almost got one class figured out! My goal is to get all the names down by Thursday, so two more days to go!!

In math, the students continued their lesson on Pythagorean's theorem. Today, I got the chance to help two individual students. It kind of reminded me of tutoring, since I'm quite familiar with working with small groups (been tutoring for... 12 years now?). However, I guess I was going a bit too slowly since the students didn't have time to start on their classwork... =/

I got the chance to give a brief intro to the microscope today. The first time was nerve-wracking since it was my first time teaching in front of a public school classroom (funny, thinking that I taught karate for the past 10 years and taught about 9 music theory classes... I thought it would come natural to me). I missed quite a bit of important points, but my partner teacher was there to help cover up my mistakes. I also got great feedback from my partner teacher, and she allowed me to try it again for the afternoon class, which I felt more at ease! =D

After the morning classes, I got the chance to supervise the students during lunch time. At first, I was positioned with my partner teacher to do line duty at the cafeteria. It was a pretty straight forward assignment for all we had to do was make sure that the students remain in line. After the lunch rush was over, we proceeded to the gym to watch over the students who ate in the gym.

Overall, I've been getting more and more chances to go around and help students out. I guess its because I'm getting used to my new environment.

Sigh... I haven't been taking any pictures lately, so today's random picture...

Poster for the drama I'm watching right now: Strawberry Night. It's a crime/suspense drama.

Day 4: Entertainment

Personally, I prefer watching Japanese dramas over any other type of dramas (ie: Korean, Taiwanese, American, etc). The reason being is that each series only has about 11 episodes at most (now a days anyways), thus less filler material. I also prefer to listen to Asian pop over American pop. The reason for this is due to the fact that I'm really listening to the song and not the lyrics itself. I must have listened to BoA's Smile Again for over 1800+ times but I cannot remember the lyrics for the life of me... However, I do know the melody almost off by heart! =)

I prefer watching dramas over gaming, since I usually watch one episode at a time. Therefore, I have a set amount of leisure time (45 minutes), compared to gaming (which can take hours away...). However, I do enjoy a game or two at times. The current games I'm playing at the moment are Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Starcraft 2.

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