Thursday 5 April 2012

4th Day

Boy am I tired... After coming home from school, I just sat in front of my computer for most of the time. I tried mustering some work, but I ended up doing nothing...

It started bright and early! I got to school and went over a couple of things with my partner teacher. Once that was done, school started. For science today, it was mostly a note-taking class on organelles. There was this one slide where you could slide definitions from one side of the slide to the other side, and when you did, it became that organelle! (For example: powerhouse of the cell --> mitochondria).

The grade 8s started a new unit in math: coordinate geometry. One class had a bit of struggle with review on grade 7 coordinate geometry terms but the other class seemed to breeze right through it! (This is indeed interesting and will probably be used for my final oral presentation).

After 4 classes of math and science, it was lunch time. Today, my partner teacher had supervision after lunch. We had to walk around the school and watch the students as they played outside. A lot of students were throwing snowballs at one another =P.

Finally, leadership class was pretty straight forward today. The grade 8s went around the school (and the nearby elementary school) to pick up the recycling. They worked efficiently to get that task done!

I would write more, but I'm exhausted, so here's today's picture I took before going to school (I had about 40 minutes to kill after dropping my brother off for clinical, so I took a walk at Nose Hill Park)

Day 6 (I believe?): Nature

I like nature. Its one way for me to calm down when I feel stressed. I would try and go outside and get some fresh air. I also like trying out new paths I never tried before!

Ahh... soo tired so thats it for today...

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