Monday 23 April 2012

Hot Day!

What a hot day today! So warm!

I should have worn some shorts, but I decided to go to school in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

I had to go to school today to hand in my narrative for my practicum that my partner teacher wrote up. (She wrote such a great narrative for me! =D) When I got to the undergrad office for Education, I noticed that most people placed their narrative in an envelope... while I didn't... Whoops?

After depositing my narrative, I went to my school locker to clean that up. Afterwards I went to the locker room to clean up my gym locker. (Lots of cleaning!!) I think I had it for the last two years? It felt weird to hand it back in, but I didn't want to pay for it during the summer since I'm not taking any summer classes this year. (There's none for Education).

Once that was all done, I went to Market Mall to see if I can get an engraved pen I purchased for my partner teacher fixed. An E was horribly done. Luckily for me, the store's manager was there so she said she'll give me a new pen!! The second pen was a lot nicer than the first one! =) Also, the manager shrunk the letters a bit, so it looked nicer on the pen! =D

Okay! Time for a small break

This is the next song I'm trying to play. I'm still working on Knight of the Goddess though! I can play about 3 pages at around 60% speed...

Now time for a short blurb about my practicum. For the past couple of months, I been debating on which path I should take, whether I would do something that I THINK I would enjoy, or a path that pays well. (At this point, I wasn't sure if teaching was for me since last semester's practicum wasn't a good taste in my opinion of what being a classroom teacher is like). I was at the point where I considered dropping out of the program at the end of this year and pursue a career in business by trying to find some small job and work my way up.

However, I thought that I might as well finish up my degree since I'm 50% finished.

Practicum though, cleared any doubts. I enjoyed all three weeks. There wasn't a time where I was bored! There was always something to do. True, the days were long, but the three weeks whizzed by as if I just started just a couple days ago. Sure, it was tiring, and I would go home exhausted but I enjoyed it.

I know that not all schools are like Valley Creek, and I probably will start off in a tougher school, but I'm looking forward to it!! There's something about teaching that brings a certain joy that nothing else can really bring out. Though of course, teaching isn't always great.

During this time, I learnt about the darker side of teaching. Things such as budget cuts, demands placed upon teachers and hardships that students face. It reminded me that it doesn't matter how old a person is, they have some sort of problem in their life that they have to deal with.

All in all, I know for now of the path I want to take in my life. I will pursue a career in teaching for at least the first part of my working life. This small piece of happiness is what I want in my life. =)

And thats all for now... ahha I'm not sure why... but I can't write properly today...

Here's today's picture

taken from: (great site for gundam models! I think he built every single one?)

Perhaps this will be my next project if I'm not able to find a job for the first few months of this looooooonnnngggg break. I'm already bored of break....

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