Thursday 26 April 2012

Cell Presentations

I went back to my practicum school yesterday and today to watch the presentations that the grade 8 students were working on in science. They were using iPads to create an analogy that compared the organelles within the cell. There were examples like castles, concerts, Wal-Mart, cars and to the iPad it self. It seems like the older you get, the less creative one becomes =P, I was thinking, that if I were to do that project, I would compare it to a school... which was an example that my partner teacher used...

Man, thinking about it, I can't believe that practicum is over! Its hard waking up early in the morning, but I miss it for sure... though I bet I wouldn't say that in a couple years time... 

Well since that's done for now (I may go back early June to help out with a field trip if I'm allowed too!), it's time for full time job searching... or at least back to exercising early morning! That physical check up is approaching fast. Maybe this year, I won't be considered nearly obese...

So... no pictures really to show, so this will have to do... Maybe it is time to take up photography with a real dslr. =P 

This picture was taken on the Peace Bridge... a couple weeks ago I believe...

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