Thursday 12 April 2012

Thursday Week 2

Quite the day today!

I first started off my day with prep. During this time, I wrote down some definitions on the whiteboard for one of the activities that the grade 8s are going to do in math. It was sure difficult to write things straight on the whiteboard... Once that was done, I went to go copy some grid paper for an activity. Luckily this time, there was no paper jam!

After getting all that down, it was pretty much time for the next period. For leadership 9, I just had to listen to the students perform a prepared script for which they are going to read to classrooms tomorrow. The script described the activities that are going to take place next week. Overall, they did a pretty good job presenting their scripts. I didn't had much to say to those students.

After leadership, it was time for math and science. There was an emergency today that my partner teacher had to deal with, so I was in charge of the class for both math and science. Thankfully, I also had another teacher (and for the last period before lunch, the vice principal) to help me watch over the class. For science, the students had to show me their hypothesis for the osmosis lab they were working on. Once I gave them the approval, I sliced a couple of potato slices for them to experiment with. Going through the hypothesis took a bit longer than I thought so they didn't have much time to do the lab itself.

For math, I handed out a worksheet that they need to fill out as they went through the six stations that my partner teacher and her partner teacher (in that they team teach) designed. The six stations tested their skills of transformations (so translation, rotation and reflection) through various means: like battleship (knowing coordinates) and moving a treasure chest from one location of the Cartesian plane to another (all three transformations). Things were smoother in this class (as in they were working more diligently), probably because the vice principal was there.

Overall though, both periods weren't bad since I didn't really have to teach teach. Though, I did learn that I should probably give a bit more instruction when they go onto experiments or stations. =P

The afternoon was similar to the morning in that my partner teacher let me conduct the two classes. This gave me a chance to contrast the two grade 8 classes (which I have been doing over the past two weeks) to see the differences between learners. For sure, there are noticeable differences.

After school, I helped coached badminton. Season is almost up! There are two tournaments next week already!

As for the picture of the day
Only in Calgary eh? ahhhhhhhha

Day.... 9? Sleep

I need my beauty sleep. My bedtime is usually around 10:30-11ish. Anything past 2... and I'm just a zombie...

Time for bed.

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