Wednesday 4 April 2012

Day 3

Another big day!

It started off with a math quiz for one of my partner teacher's grade 8 classes. It was a quiz on Pythagorean's Theorem. I made the answer key for the quiz, but unfortunately I made an elementary mistake on it. I went 25^2 + 38^2 = 63^2... I can't believe I made that error, but luckily I caught it after seeing a student's work (and thus, rechecking my own work afterwards).

After the quiz, we had science class. During this time, I got to play around with a digital microscope. It looks like a hand held webcam, but one that is able to zoom in on objects. After that, we had prep. During this time, my partner teacher took me up to the office to view student files. I got the chance to view two students files and see how that works. It's strange to imagine back in the day how my old teachers used to keep a file on me... I wonder what they used to say about me back in the days...

Once prep was over, I went back to class to see that my field advisor dropped in to visit. Unfortunately, it was a leadership class so it was hard for me to do my "assignment", which was to take a group of students and teach them independently. I guess I'll just have to work twice as hard next week when she drops by and visits again!

During lunch today, I got the chance to go to a field-trip meeting. 70+ students are heading to Quebec in the next couple of weeks. It brings back memories when I went to France (in grade 12 to recognize the 90th anniversary of the battle at Vimy ridge). The students all seemed to be very excited!

Once lunch was over, the next group of grade 8 students arrived. They had their quizzes and got the chance to view the digital microscopes. Once that was over, school was over. I then proceeded to the gym to ask if I could help coach their badminton team(s), since it's currently badminton season at the moment! They accepted me and allowed me to help coach the singles team. I got the chance to work with the girls singles team. We went over a couple serving drills and a random-shot drill that I used to do when I practiced badminton.

Training went on for about an hour and half, but I swear it only felt like 30 minutes gone by!

But yes, that was my big day, and once again I don't have a picture... so...


I don't recall drawing these squares (to represent A^2, B^2 and C^2)... but I guess you always learn something new!

Day 5 (I believe): Arachnids and Insects

I have a MORBID fear of any creature with more than four legs... I don't know how I got my fear of insects, but I do remember how my fear of arachnids started...

When I was about 4, I was playing in my basement with a couple of toys. When I reached into my box of toys, I saw a HUGE spider inside on of those pieces (I swear it was like the size of a tarantula). After throwing that toy away, the spider scuttled away (now I can't remember if it's exactly like that since I haven't seen large spiders again in my basement...).

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