Thursday 17 July 2014

A shopping day in Tokyo!

Woke up and stuffed my face with the all you can eat bread breakfast today. After breakfast, my brother and I got ready to look at a couple districts in Tokyo. We started off in Shibuya with the sole mission of finding the gundam simulator. 

We managed to find it in a Taito arcade Center. Initially, we thought you needed to purchase a card to play, but after my brother asked an attendent, all you needed to do was insert money. The simulator was fun, for it gave you the impression that you were operating a mobile suit (albeit with a simpler control scheme). However, I soon became dizzy from spinning around my suit. 

After Shibuya, we travelled to Akihabara. Despite visiting a small section of the district, I can see why it's know as the electronic town in Tokyo. The department store (Yodabashi) we visited had a LOT of electronics. There were 6 floors of electronic goods with each floor being the size of a typical London Drugs in Canada (or even bigger to be honest). My favourite floor was the 6th floor, since that's where all the gundam models were to be found! I ended up purchasing a couple of gundams at a price that I would not be able to buy from in Canada. 

After Akihabara, we went to Hamamatsucho to look for the Tokyo Pokemon Center. It was bigger than the one in Sapporo, but essentially had the same stuff in this store. 

Then it was off to Ginza. It was everything I had imagined: upscale part of Tokyo with extremely well dressed people, expensive cars and luxury brands. I went to a stationary store and bought a couple mechanical pencils since my mechanical pencil at home was falling apart (after a good 6-8 years of use!) 

After shopping, we went back to the hotel with our hands carrying our items and our credit cards holding more debt. It wasn't really eventful today, but a full day nevertheless!

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