Thursday 10 July 2014

Day 6 - Butt biting deer in Nara

Got up early to eat a western/Japanese breakfast. Afterwards, we got ready and checked out to begin our journey to Nara. It took us a while to find our station, so that meant a lot of walking and going up stairs while carrying my luggage. 

Once we were in Nara, we got a chance to visit the deer in Nara park. People weren't kidding when they said deer were aggressive if you had food. I got swarmed and one even nipped my butt cheek! Fortunately, there were no damage, unlike some people in our group. Otherwise, they were quite cute, with some being extremely polite. When you bow to them, they now back!

We went to see the great big Buddha statue after at a nearby temple. The temple was huge and so was the statue. (I would explain more, but I'm quite tired =\). 

After our visit in Nara park, we visited an okonomiyaki restaurant. It was pretty decent, though I don't know how it stacks up to those in Osaka. 

Butt off to sleep! Off to The ancient capital tomorrow!

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