Monday 7 July 2014

Day 3 - Furano, Lavender Fields and Biei

I meant to post this earlier but I fell asleep after my shower yesterday!

I got up early in the morning to prepare to go to the world famous lavender fields near Furano. We took a 2 hour express train to Furano, followed by a "scenery train" (slower moving train) to the fields. 

Essentially, there were rows upon rows of flowers. The vast majority were lavender, but there were other types of flowers too. It was definitely a breath taking experience. I also got to try lavender flavoured ice cream. It had a distinct flavor which I didn't expect to like! The area was also known for its cantaloupe, so I have that a try as well. I didn't feel it was anything different than the fresh, juicy ones I had in Canada, but nevertheless it was still quite delicious. 

After the fields, we took a 40 minute train to Biei, another country side town like Furano. Unfortunately, we only had 40 minutes to spend there (since we had to take the train back to Furano to catch our train back to Sapporo). 

I wished I had more time to spend in Biei! It had a very nostalgic feel to the town. The small plaza we were in had that gentle rustic feel with old fashioned, yet pristine buildings surrounding a simple, yet elegant designed-still water fountain. If I ever come back to Hokkaido, I will definitely make a stop here. 

After our along day, we stopped at Nanda for all you can eat seafood and meat. I normally don't eat crab, but I had a king crab leg. It was quite juicy, despite me burning the crap out of it (we had to cook it on our own). I also had a bunch of salmon, which I also cooked on my own, and it was extremely flavourful. Hokkaido is known for its seafood and I can see why. 

And that pretty much sums up my day! I'll be getting out of bed soon to prepare for my last day in Hokkaido before I prepare to head back south to the Kansai region!

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