Tuesday 15 July 2014

Day 11 - Climbing Mount Fuji

We first took a bus from the train station to the 5th station of Mount Fuji. That took about 45 mins. When we arrived at the fifth station, we spent about 40 minutes to stock up on last minute supplies and bathroom breaks (costs 100 yen to use). I bought myself some hiking poles. They were expensive at 5600 yen a pair, but well worth the money. 

The initial part of the hike wasn't too bad. There wasn't much of an incline, so life was pretty good. After the 6th station however, things got rocky. Like quite literally rocky. There were many parts of the trail where I felt like I was climbing up rocks. 

The climb after the 8th station was quite gruelling. I had to take a break every 25 meters or so. It took us 6 and a half hours to get to our mountain hut. 

And that's it for now! Just waiting for dinner and then a bit of bed before going out and climbing the last part of the climb!

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