Wednesday 9 July 2014

Day 5 - Osaka

Woke up early again to get ready to leave Hokkaido. We checked out and proceeded to the airport. We were slightly rushed for time, but the plane was delayed for 20 minutes. 

After arriving at Kansai airport, I noticed how humid it was compared to Hokkaido. That, along with not eating for 12 hours made me really fatigued. We trudged our way to get our JR passes and tried to figure out which train to take to Osaka. 

We ended up in Namba, the south district of Osaka. The sights that surrounded me fuelled my curiosity and managed to sap my fatigue. We walked through Namba Walk, which is essentially a long isle of colourful shops. I was amazed at all the different shops! Unfortunately, I was more worried in finding my hotel that I didn't take a lot of pictures of the walk. 

After finally locating our hotel, we went out to look for okonomiyaki. There was a recommended place we found outline, yet after a wild goose chase, we gave up and settled for sushi. 

I don't know the name of the place, but it was damn good sushi. I had the chance to try different types like Sea Urchin and Yellowtail sushi. I must have had 40 pieces and I only had to pay around $30 Canadian!

After sushi, we spent time at the arcades. I really wanted a chibi FA unicorn, but I wasn't able to figure out the trick to the machine =(. After an hour or so, we proceeded to the nearest 7-11 to ritually stock up goods for breakfast. 

Not much done today, but we'll get the chance to go see a lot in Nara tomorrow! Can't wait to feed the deer!

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