Friday 11 July 2014

Day 7 - First day in Kyoto.

Travelling from one city to another probably takes the most part of a day. Fortunately, the train ride from Nara to Kyoto wasn't too bad. The walk to the hotel afterwards wasn't too bad either. After we arrived at the hotel, we dropped off our luggage since it was too early to check in. 

We then started to walk around Kyoto. For the former capital of Japan, you can tell the magnificent elegance that exists within it's buildings. From the narrow alleyways to the rectangular buildings, it also gives you the sense of nostalgia. 

It was a bit difficult to travel around the city. We were initially looking for the manga museum, but we ended up walking down Nishiki Market, a market full of colourful shops selling a variety of goods. After the market, we started a long walk to Kiyomizu-dera temple. It didn't look as impressive as Todaji in Nara, but it covered a lot of space! 

After exploring this place for a while, we trudged on home. Since it's been a week since we last did laundry, we had to walk around looking for a laundromat. Fortunately, the desk attendant at our hotel spoke excellent english, so we had an idea of where to go. After finding the place, we found  out how expensive it was to clean our clothes... But it's a necessity since I was running out of clean stuff to wear!

After an hour or so, we went back to our hotel. We had plans to visit the Gion district at night, but I was too tired that day. 

That will probBly take place tonight!

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