Tuesday 22 July 2014

Day 18 - Departing back to Calgary!

It was supposed to be a reflective blog post today, but I guess I'll just explain what I did for the day.

First off, we went last minute shopping for a specific item for one of our group mates. Once that was done, we went back to get our luggage and proceeded to Narita airport. On arrival to Narita via the Narita Express (NEX), we checked in and quickly boarded our flight back to Calgary.

It was a flight shorter than what I imagined it would have been (having done it twice before). I managed to get some sleep in and watch a couple of movies. Fortunately this time, I wasn't bugged with annoying headphone jacks or lags. I managed to finish watching Trick and a Japanese movie called The Little House (about a maid's autobiography of a family she once served). It was a decent movie, though I didn't like how they focused a lot on a love affair within the house.

Upon arrival to Calgary, my brother and I got picked up and went straight home. We're still in the process of unpacking everything!

And that pretty much marked my extremely long day today. Now time to sleep, and get readjusted to Calgary time.

Welcome back to reality.

The gunpla kits my brother and I bought. 

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