Saturday 19 July 2014

Day 15 - Tour of Tokyo via the Hato Bus

Our day started really early today. We got up at around 6:45 and ate a quick breakfast. We checked out and met our relatives at our hotel. It's been much too long since I last saw my aunt and uncle. 

They led us to Shinjuku, where we looked for our tour bus for the day. It belonged to the Hato company, which gave a bunch of different tours around Tokyo. We first started at the Imperial gardens for a quick group picture. After a few minutes, we moved onto Asakusa: which I would dub as the Kyoto of Tokyo. There was a large temple there, but what caught my attention was the street markets. There was a ton of stalls selling a variety of objects: food, trinklets, kimonos, etc. I may have to go back and spend more time here before I leave for Canada. 

During our time in Asakasa, our relatives took us to a famous tempura restaurant in the district. It's definitely different to the tempura I had before, and I must say I prefer the one I normally had. However, it was extremely tasty, just soggy. 

After Asakasa, we went to the Tokyo tower.  It was big, though I had my fair share of tall buildings around Japan (and nothing can match up to Fuji). Nevertheless, it did have some beautiful sights. 

After the tour, we went to a department store near my relatives home to buy ingridients for dinner. We the walked to their house, which was a slight nostalgic trip for me since I've been to their place before. After a couple of hours, dinner was ready and we ate. 

There was a lot of delicious dishes in front of us, and I actually found a dark beer that I liked. However, the best part was our conversation. I know extremely little Japanese while they knew some English. However, we were able to carry out small talk. It was really special to talk to our relatives that we haven't seen for a really long time. 

And now it's finally bed time. It's been a long day and tomorrow will also be a long day as I travel to go meet my grandfather!

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