Tuesday 8 July 2014

Day 4 - Last day in Sapporo

To every beginning, there is an end. Today marked our last full day in Hokkaido. We'll be taking the plane to the Kansai region tomorrow. For the last day, we spent time exploring some places that we didn't get a chance to in the first place:

My brother and I ventured to Maruyama Park and Maruyama Zoo. The park and zoo was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was essentially just to see our namesake. After visiting the zoo, we grabbed a quick bite at the family mart my brother found and proceeded to visit a department store that had a Pokemon Center. As a Pokemon fan, I had to purchase some goods, so I ended up spending about $50 on merchandise. I got myself a new case, some playing cards and trading cards. I also had the chance to fish out a goody bag (or goody master ball) for 500 yen. Fanboyism satisfied, so off to the nearby arcade! I have to say that I really hate the claw game. I'm not sure what the strategy is for that game. 

After games, we headed back to the hotel to charge up. We then proceeded to a reknown Ramen shop called Meijinbou. We were the only customers at the time, but that didn't deter us from ordering their famous pork belly ramen. And I enjoyed it to the very last drop! A must go for those who go to Hokkaido! 

Afterwards, we looked for a place to give us a picturistic view of Sapporo. We tried going up a mountain, but it was too cloudy, so we ended up going to the JR tower. It wasn't as high up as the mountain, but it did offer a wonderful view of the city in all 4 directions. I also had the chance to purchase a medallion and have my name engraved on it! It was pretty sweet!

And so that ends my last full day in Hokkaido. It was quite a blast, and I'll definitely come back to visit certain places where I haven't gotten the chance to visit (ie: the UNESCO end of the world site and biking through Biei). It's quite a beautiful island that has a nice blend of modern society and olden day Japan. The locals though were all quite modern in terms of their fashion. Even grandmas were sporting fancy hair cuts and dressed extremely nicely. They weren't kidding when they mentioned how nice everyone dresses in Japan! I can't wait to see what Tokyo has to offer!

But now it's time for bed since I have to get up early to pack for Kansai! Until next time Hokkaido!

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