Monday 7 October 2013

Ghost Pepper Burrito

Not for me this year! My brother never got the chance to try it, so we went to the Mucho Burrito in Country Hills. The sauce bottle looked different than what I remembered from last year (I had a clear glass bottle while he had those reusable plastic ones you see at Subway). Either way, it was still "Hotter Than Hell" when he had it.

Besides that, I got some studying done today, job searched and applied to a job, did some chores and watched the season premier for Hajime no Ippo. Season 3 is upon us! =) Oh and I finished watching Pokémon Origins. It's a 4 episode series based on the original Pokémon games. It was an interesting plot, though some parts didn't make much sense to me.

Anywhoos, time to sleep! I need to start waking up early again. I got up at 8ish today...

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