Sunday 13 October 2013

Oh ho! Things just got more interesting in DOCTORS!

Once again, a pretty standard Sunday. Started my day with Karate and came home to help out with more chores. Between chores, I had some time to play more Pokemon Y. I have yet to reach the second gym yet, but I found a place to grind for money! The Battle Chateau really helped me with my financial issues.

Other than that, I got in my daily episode of DOCTORS 2, which is a sequel to a drama I'm watched a year back (or two). It's essentially about a doctor who wants to change a hospital for the better through means that may seem "villainous" to some. Essentially, he schemes up little plans to help the hospital become better. However, at the end of today's episode, he announces a huge scheme of his, which caught me by surprise.

I have to see how it turns out during tomorrow's episode!

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