Thursday 31 October 2013

Hallowe'en 2013

Woke up relatively early since my sinuses were killing me once again (I hope I'm not catching another cold again!). However, after clearing up my nose, I went back to sleep, listening to the audiobook that I've had going for the past week now. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix).

After getting up, I ate some breakfast... and then played some LoL. Once that was over, I went out for lunch and shopped for a bit. And then came home before it got to dark, for today is Hallowe'en! And I haven't gave out candy in a loooooooong time now. My street is relatively quiet and the prices of candy has gone up from what I remember they used to be... 10 years ago. Of course it's inflation, but still... my excuse is that candy is bad for children! I know from experience that it's unhealthy, and being a teacher, gives teachers headaches the day after Hallowe'en. Either from extreme tiredness/moodiness from eating candy late at night, to extreme hyperness from a sugary breakfast.

So what did I do for Hallowe'en this year? Well played 6 games of LoL in a row! I can't believe it took almost 5 hours for all 6 games to complete (including breaks and such), but at least my evening is now over.

And back to job searching and other important tasks tomorrow!

Ha, yeah right... it's Friday tomorrow! ;)

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