Wednesday 16 October 2013

Talk about lucky!

After job searching in the morning, I went out for lunch with my brother today. I was craving pho because the last time I had it was in June.

So off to my usual haunt, or what used to by my favorite place when I frequently ate pho back in the day. After lunch, we went to Best Buy since we needed some styluses for our 3DSs. We were reluctant to use the ones that came with the 3DS because the nib that holds it in place tends to wear down after a while. I realized that issue with my old white DS Lite.

Since we were in Best Buy, we spent time looking at other stuff. After about 30 minutes, we proceeded back to the car. It was then that I realized that I left my wallet in the car; right in my drink tray.

In other words, it was in plain sight!

I was fortunate that nobody broke into our car, especially since we live in the NE (notoriously known as a poorer section of Calgary). Normally, I would keep my wallet in my pockets, but I'm not sure why I left it in the car today...

So thank goodness for that! =) And from now on, well until I forget, I will always double check my pockets whenever I take the car out!

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