Thursday 17 October 2013

Well I didn't expect to be that out of shape...

It was really windy today, but I thought that it was a good day to start jogging again.

So I put on my long sleeve shirt, slapped on a pair of pants (shorts were too cold), and got on my runners.

I went outside, to the pathway in front of my house, and started jogging. I ran down the hill, and started back up. About halfway up, I noticed how hard the wind was blowing, and I was facing a headwind.

That wind took a larger toll on me than I expected. I was absolutely exhausted after, essentially, 4 minutes of jogging (I'm basing this on completing a song on my iPod). Walking was no good with what I had on, due to the chilly air, so I trudged on home.

Since my "workout" was cut short, I decided to do some push ups.

No good...

I only got in about 10 in total...

How about squats?

No good either...

Probably got in 10 in as well...

I know I'm out of shape... but this is ridiculous! But complaining won't do any good, so back to building up that stamina!

Well one more complaint... my Tamagotchi changed into it's adult form. Unfortunately, I got a Red Masktchi, which meant I apparently severely neglected it during some parts of its life. True I didn't take good care of it when it was a baby, due to my mistake of hatching him during a time where I was busy... yet I thought I made up for it in later stages of it's life. =(

And now it has an wide open mouth when it poops on the floor. =(

To be honest, I preferred the "sarcastic" smile of the teen Tamagotchi that I had.

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