Sunday 27 October 2013

Snow snow snow!

So much snow today! The drive to karate was slushy, but otherwise uneventful. Apparently though, there were 300+ accidents this morning! I guess some areas were hit harder/icier than my area.

Due to the snow, I thought that class would be pretty empty. For the brown/black belt class, it was... though I can't really say the same for the white/green belt class. There were a bunch of students missing, yet 20 of them managed to make it to class. Fortunately, there were enough senior instructors today, thus class went relatively smoothly.

Afterwards, the rest of my afternoon consisted of preparing cover letters for a couple of job applications that I'll submit tomorrow morning. Apparently, from what I read in an article, job seekers have a better chance of getting an interview when they apply on Monday! Hopefully that's true!

Besides applications, I played a bunch of LoL. My brother and I finally finished our placements. We finished with a 6-4 record, which placed us in Silver 3. It's better than what I expected, but I was a bit disappointed since there were three games that we shouldn't have loss.

And that's that! Onto sleep and a new week!

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