Wednesday 8 July 2015

A roller coaster of a ride, but Date ended up the way it should have...

After over a week of watching an episode religiously, save for a couple days, I finished watching the last two episodes of the jdorama: Date.

The beginning was awesome. A "love" story between a social outcast and a career-oriented woman. It's an unusual match in that most people wouldn't feel attracted to either of the characters. I thought the screen writers did a marvelous job in making both character repulsive, yet intriguing at the same time. When you think about it, (pardon me if I sound rather ignorant) but how often would a person fall in love with a character that wants to do nothing but to leech off their spouse OR one that finds no sense in romance at all?

The screenwriter, however, managed to make this weird chemistry work between the two leads, from starting out as an similar ideological relationship to one that does bloom into a romantic one. The first half of the show was enjoyable, with the budding relationship between the two.

However... I felt like it went down hill at the start of the second half. Like I stated, I do not like love triangles. I feel like they have been done way too many times in romance dramas. These love triangles, or more like a love square since the main characters had others pursing them, created such a see-saw ride throughout the last half that I felt it became nauseating. The main characters get together with the ones that love them, then the two mains get back together again very briefly, and then back to the supporting characters! I'm making it worse than it sounds, but I felt it was a plot filler to fill up the last couple of episodes...

All in all, it was an enjoyable watch for the most part. A fun romantic comedy that touches base on characters that do exist; not everyone is a dashing princess waiting for her white knight to come woo her. Nor the dream girl walking down a sunlit staircase to the admiring eyes of the hero... I digress.... my imagination is becoming wild...

It's a good story, showing that the definition of love is not the same for everyone. The ending was well thought of, and I enjoyed how they ended it with how the two of them first met: through a date.

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