Wednesday 22 July 2015

Day 8 - Made it to the top this time!

Meant to post this yesterday, but I literally fell asleep after arriving back at our hotel last night. 

We travelled down to Southern Kyoto. Our main target was Fushimi Inari, or otherwise known as the shrine with 1000 Torii gates. It was a rainy day, thus making the climb extremely sweaty. We made it to the top (unlike last year where we had to stop) and I was literally drenched to the teeth. 

After descending back down, we ventured a bit around Fushimi before venturing to another part of the region to find sake; as a gift for my relatives. We finally arrived at Gekkaiken Sake Museum: one of the biggest sake manufacturers in Japan. There was a variety of sake to choose from and I even found a non-alcoholic version for me to try out. It had the great sake taste, but without the alcohol. 

After a quick lunch at Mos Burger, we went to find Toji Temple and the largest pagoda in Kyoto/Japan. There was a lot of rain so we didn't stay long. We returned back to our hotel before heading out to eat dinner at a small diner. 

And that's that!

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