Monday 20 July 2015

Day 6 - Back to Kyoto

Woke up early again after getting in about 5 hours of sleep. I couldn't fall asleep so I ended up watching the second episode of the reaper arc of Gintama. It's going to be a short arc, yet it's pretty good in my books!

After a couple hours of gaming, cleaning and what not, it was time to check out and head to the next location on our trip: Kyoto. We got our JR passes and booked reserved seats for the Hikari Shinkansen. Hikari had more stops than the Nozomi, yet it was only a tad longer than Nozomi. 

Once we arrived at Kyoto station, we took a subway to our hotel. It was relatively easy to check in, with a key given to us instead of a card key. It reminded me of the hotel in Nara we stayed at last year. 

After settling in, we went for lunch at a family restaurant. I had a raw tuna rice bowl with a side of cold udon (I swear... Japan is carbohydrate heaven). After lunch, we proceeded down Shijo street and into Daimaru department store to look for a particular store. I bought somethings that I needed for my journey. 

After the department store, we ventured into a store called Tokyo Hands. The easiest way to describe this store is a discovery hut, Home Outfitters and a stationary store mixed in one! We spent quite. A bit of time here to shop. 

At around 6-7, we headed to Taramachi street to explore. It was late, so many business were closed. We ate dinner at a restaurant that seemingly specialized omelette rice. I never had one before, so I was glad to finally give it a try. It was pretty good, but bigger than I expected. 

After dinner, it was off to see an old temple. 

And that was pretty much it for today. Time to sleep!

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