Thursday 23 July 2015

Day 9 - Skytree and Odaiba

My brother and I woke up early today to catch the train to Tokyo. We were up almost two hours before our departure time, yet we barely made it to the station on time. Lesson learnt: I should do things the day before....

Upon arrival at Tokyo, we met up with our cousin. It's only been a year, but it felt a lot longer since we last met. She took us to the Skytree, which was the first time for me. It's amazing how tall the structure was: all of Tokyo seemed so small from such a height! We then headed for lunch at a restaurant within the Skytree. It had a spectacular view and the food was quite tasty. 

Afterwards, it was off to Odaiba. We mostly just walked around this district, for I was somewhat familiar with some of the sights. 

The reunion was mostly a quiet one since my brother and I could not speak Japanese, nor can she speak much English. However, it's the family time that's the most important part, like what I mentioned in my Japan blogs last year. Even though, it's been only a week and it took 6 hours to get to Tokyo and back, it is my favorite part of the trip thus far. Always treasure those close to you!

At a station

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