Friday 24 July 2015

Day 10 - Osaka

Woke up early with plans to sort out my luggage. That never happened because I realized that not drying my clothes properly has led them to stink up my luggage... I will have to deal with the issue in a couple of hours time =\

After getting ready for the day, it was off to Osaka. We caught a bullet train, which took us about 14 minutes to get to the place. We ventured out to our first destination: Osaka Castle. It was really grand and elaborate. They turned some parts of the inside into an exquisite museum on Hideyoshi Totomi's life. 

After the museum, we met up with a friend of a friend. He took us around the area we were in and to a onsen nearby. It was my first time at an onsen. It was awkward at first, but I started to get used to the idea. There were many different baths to try out!

After, we walked for nearly 60 minutes to see a waterfall lit up in the dark. It was quite a long walk and it had led to my calluses on my feet to crack =\. The sandals I bought this year are not as good for my feet compared to the pair I usedast year. =\

And now off to sleep! It's 2AM here...
Bright sign as we were walking to the waterfalls. 

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