Thursday 16 July 2015

Day 1 and 2 - Flight to Narita

EI'm currently on the plane with no desire to sleep. I took cat naps here and there, worked a bit on MH4U and reviewed my hiragana. It doesn't help that the information entertainment, or whatever the screen in front of me is called, is down, so why not start blogging now?

We're almost 6 hours in our flight, though it feels a lot longer than last year. Perhaps I'm just more anxious for this trip than I was last year?


It is now night time. After I blogged the earlier part, I fell into a restless sleep. The landing was quite turbulent, I predict due to the typhoon that Japan is currently facing. Due to the weather, everything was quite grey, though the wind was a nice effect to counterbalance the heat and humidity. 

We walked around quite a bit once we left the airport via the Narita Express (NEX). We explored parts of Shinjuku my brother and I went to previously, and tried venturing to new areas near our hotel. There was a ramen place which we are at. It turned out to be a good eat; which is a regret I had last year where I didn't venture to a lot of restaurants. We even ended up in the infamous Kabuchiko district, due to the flashing lights. 

We quickly made our way out due to the heckling from some individuals trying to persuade us to spend money at their club they're promoting. It was an interesting experience, which kinda reminded me of the time I spent at Las Vegas. 

Our feets were getting tired, so we headed back to our hotel after stocking up for breakfast. 

And now a shower and then sleep! It's been an extemely long day for me today. 

Gah... Picture is sideways!

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