Tuesday 14 July 2015

Brief 2nd Year Experience as a Junior High Teacher

I should have done this earlier during the summer lull, I guess now is as good as a time as any other.

My second year as a junior high teacher... Definitely a lot easier than my first year in that I was fortunate enough to have a similar schedule to what I had last year. I taught Science 7, Math 8 and karate as an option. I was able to implement what I thought worked well in my first year, and made improvements to other things that did not go as well in my first year.

All in all, my second year went by EXTREMELY quickly in my eyes (for the most part anyways). One reason could be attributed to the various events that took place this year and the extra curricular I was involved in as well.

I don't have as many points as last year, but here are the things that I learned as a second year teacher:

1) Set the tone on day 1. On the first day of classes, I made sure to lay down the expectations of my students, and more importantly... myself. We're both accountable for the learning that takes place in the classroom! Also, I made sure to stick to my expectations... which led to me giving detention on the first day of classes! Word got around the school, and I had to say that I didn't have as much classroom management problems that I had in my first year. (I guess another reason could be due to the fact that I wasn't a first year teacher =P )

2) Exercise. I started working out again last August. It was a great way to relieve any stress that I experienced during the work day. Plus, it allowed me to lose a lot of weight and gave me a boost in confidence in terms of my physical appearance. At times, I also met a couple of my students at the gym, which I felt allowed me to build a rapport outside of school. It also reminded me that we all need some time away from school/homework.

3) Get involved with extra-curricular: I wasn't that involved in my first year, so I made sure to pull my weight during my second year. It gave me experiences that I wouldn't have received if I was consistently in my classroom. Once again, it allowed me to see a different side of the students in my school! =)

4) Your immunity is a lot better in the second year... Or so I thought till I was hit buy a couple illnesses in June! I can't really complain since I was healthy for most of the year.

5) Teaching can be heartbreaking, yet heartwarming at the same time. I haven't really experienced it as much in my first year, but I was able to develop, what I felt, strong relationships with my students. I remember being in my last practicum and how certain students will tell intimate stories to my mentor teacher. I didn't quite understand at that point in time since from my own personal experiences, a teacher was just there to teach me. Never did I thought that we could offer, hopefully, useful pieces of information.

Due to these relationships that I had with a few of my students, they told me about their fears, their anxiety, but also their strengths and their pride. I felt empathy for their troubles, but also shared their pride when they succeeded. It was something that defines this profession, that makes it very human... if you understand what I'm trying to get at! So all in all, do your best to relate to your students! They'll start to warm up to you! =)

And that's pretty much it! Summer has just begun, though I'm anticipating my 3rd year of teaching! Hopefully it'll be as great, or even better than this year!

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