Tuesday 7 July 2015

It's hard to believe...

that it's been over a year since I visited Japan! To this day, I can still relive certain memorable events. A year ago, I believe we went to Furano to see the Lavender Fields. I also recalled the small town of Biei and how it had a very nostalgic look to the place.

Besides reliving memories, I woke up a lot later today than I did on Monday since I wasn't able to fall asleep last night. I woke up in a coughing fit.,.. which I really hope it'll go away by next week...

Other than that, it was another workout day: squats, bench, back and triceps. My muscles were still sore from the lunges we did yesterday so I had a relatively light day with squats today.

Oh and I finally got my bronze crown in MH4U! Gogmazios was a pain in the behind to fight. You definitely need a team to fight that elder dragon. 

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