Friday 17 July 2015

Day 3 - Rainy Shinjuku

After a restless night, in which I probably got around 3 hours of sleep in total, I woke up at 5 and entertained myself with gaming till around 9. 

We left to see the free sights of Shinjuku. Unfortunately, it was raining quite a bit, making the journey a bit wet... quite wet. 

We started with the fire station museum, which was a decent sight. It had the history of fire fighting within the district. There was a helicopter as well, but it was  unfortunately closed to the public today. After the station, we moved to see Shinjuku gardens, but it turned out you needed to pay in order to enter. It was also closed, so we proceeded to our next destination --> back to Kabukicho to look  for a quick takoyaki lunch. 

As we walked towards the takoyaki stand, we found a conveyor belt restaurant, so we stopped there to eat. After filling our stomaches for a bit, we eventually found the takoyaki place. 

It was then off to the municipal government. The entrance was trickier to enter than expected, but we found it eventually. After venturing to the 45th floor of the south observatory, taking a bunch of pictures of the scenery and resting for a while to relax our tired feet, we proceeded to the Toto showroom. 

The Toto showroom had a variety of layouts of everyday living. It had various kitchen concepts and bathrooms. It kind of reminded me of IKEA, just without rooms like the bedroom (from what I recall out of my cloudy mind). 

We returned back to our hotel. As weary as I was, I ended up napping for a lot longer than expected. At around 9, we proceeded to look for a place that sold dangos, but it turned out that the subway was having issues. We turned back to the nearest 7-11 to stock up for dinner and breakfast. 

And here I am: Tired, but satisfied. Just to finish dinner, take a shower and head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be quite the grind: up Mount Fuji once again! Hopefully my feet will have recovered and I won't have coughing fits as we climb!

In front of the building. 

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