Wednesday 1 July 2015

Canada Day 2015

Yesterday was my last day of work, but it does not explain the reason why I didn't blog last night.

The reason for that... was because I was playing league till late.

As for today, my family and I went out to Banff. It was a pleasant day, in that the temperature was a comfortable 23ish degrees. I was a bit groggy due to the heavy thunderstorm at around 3 AM, but the fresh mountain air did perk me up. 

After walking around the town and visiting the Fairmount hotel, it was off home to finish G2 quests in MH4U. I'm now attempting G3 quests, but I did have the Kushala armor for a while now. =P

And that marks my Canada Day for this year! I'll post about my experiences as a second year teacher soon...

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