Sunday 30 September 2012

I feel like an old car...

that keeps breaking down! I somehow agitated my groin area once again during karate today. I'm not sure how this recent event occurred in the first place! We were doing target practice and I was going for a round-house kick... and then pain shot up my inner thigh.

Afterwards, when I was teaching a kata to a couple of my brown belt helpers, my back starting aching. =(

I need to find a way to recover fully and not break down as often! Age means nothing!!!!!! Or so I think...

Besides karate though, it was a pretty quiet day. I managed to do some readings and look for articles for 503. For my group paper, we're looking at Bill 44 that implemented Section 11.1 of the Human Rights Act. I'm starting to get a better picture of what this bill is all about!

Good thing there's no school tomorrow. It'll give me a chance to do a reading that I missed for 503 (a 50 pager.... oh goodness...)


I didn't have a picture of a broken down car on hand that I could use to describe how I feel at the moment. =/

Saturday 29 September 2012


Saturday morning was like any other saturday morning. I get up, eat breakfast and get ready for volunteering.

What differed today though, was how I moved the piano into place. Normally, the piano at the west entrance is located away from my usual spot. I normally have my back against the wall so I can lean back when I take a break =/. To move the piano into my favorite position, I would go behind it and push it. However today, I decided to pull the piano instead of push.

And when I pulled, I ended up pulling it too hard and...

stubbing my right big toe with the right pedal!!!!

It was hard to keep the profanity in, but I managed to do so. The pain was pretty bad though, so I had to limp to my bench and see how bad the damage was.

Luckily, I didn't break any bones in my big toe or break my nail, but I damaged the tissue/skin between the nail and toe (whatever the scientific name is! I believe you get my drift!). There was a pool of blood underneath my nail and some of it was starting to leak out. Otherwise, it seemed to be okay, just a little bit sore!

As you can probably guess, I was limping after volunteer, and continued to limp as I move about my house. =(

For this week's photo challenge, the theme was shoes. Here is my submission! I'm not really fond of the contrast of colors unfortunately. =(

Friday 28 September 2012

Food Blog: All You Can Eat at Sushi Ichiban

It's been about two months since we last been to this place. In July, we had a hard time going through two rounds... Which is really sad since we were known to go through 5 quite well. I blame it on my shrunken appetite since I was skipping my lunches at work. This time, we were able to go through 3 and leave satisfied (not full).

For $32, including 20% tips and GST, the food is pretty good. There's a wide variety to eat, such as nigiri sushi, rolls, and cones. They also have quite a list of hot food, like udon, BBQ steak, salmon cheek, etc. I think that the quality of the food has decreased over the past couple of years, but it is still quite good for my taste pallet.

I recommend this place for anybody that is feeling particularly hungry and want to eat a bunch of sushi and noodles for a decent price.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Big Bang Theory is Back!

I meant to post something up yesterday but I was not able to due to my lesson plan for 506. It took longer than I expected and by the time I was finished, it was 12:30 AM. I was too sleepy to post a blog entry, so I left it at that, and went to sleep!

For the first time this semester, I was able to leave on time this Thursday! It definately felt weird to come home when the sun is still shining strongly. After I got home, I relaxed by enjoying the latest free episode of Sket Dance on crunchyroll. I feel sad since Sket Dance finished this week, but Gintama will be back on the air next week to fill up the hole that Sket Dance left.

Ironically, it was Sket Dance that took Gintama's Thursday spot and moved the latter to a Monday time slot. I wonder if Gintama is going to mention that with its season 6 opener. =P

Oh, and Big Bang Theory is back on today! Not the strongest premiere in my books but a decent one to start of the season!

For today's picture (or more like yesterday's picture)
 I never tried the steeped tea from Tim Hortons, nor their new XL size, so I thought why not?
Bad choice...

My bladder never felt so full before! =P

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Editing seems to be taking more time than I expected! My theory behind this issue is that I came home late from school today, thus I started editing later than I would normally have.

Also, I had other things to deal with today as well! =P

Ah well, maybe it's time to learn how to function cognitively at a high enough level past my bedtime!

No picture today since I still need to edit my 502 paper. =(

Monday 24 September 2012

Interdisciplinary teaching

I spent most of my day today working on my essay for 502. Pretty much, its a brief description of my understanding of my own discipline (Science) and what I know about interdisciplinarity. Since I don't have much opinion or a whole whack of knowledge on the subject yet, it's quite difficult to get my thoughts on paper (when was it really easy for me to get my thoughts down on paper...)

But for the first time, I'm not working on an assignment the day before it's due! Or even on the day that is due for that matter! Props to me! =)

It was recommended that I use a metaphor to explain my discipline and how that relates to interdisciplinarity. For that matter, I tried incorporating building Gundam models (since nothing else really came to mind besides cooking... but my prof used that example in class already!!). I made the parallel between assembling a kit by putting many components together to create one thing; like how interdisciplinarity is to take different disciplines to understand knowledge and/or create new knowledge.

My essay, so far, sounds weird because my ideas are all over the place, but I have tomorrow and Wednesday morning to make edits!

Since I was at home today, and nothing really stood out of my mind, here's today's picture (is that grammatically correct to use two 's in a row?)

I was rewatching BoA's The Shadow MV for the second time in my lifetime today. I didn't really like it the first time around, but giving it some time since the first time I saw it, it was actually not too bad! (The word time appeared three times in my last sentence! Now two in my last!!)

Sunday 23 September 2012

Why did I have to go injure myself. [The end of my Why blogs]

We were doing "seven kicks" in karate this morning to hopefully enhance our cardiovascular systems to ensure a more wholesom.... ah enough with me trying to improve my use of uncommon words!

So this morning in karate, we were doing an exercise called nana geri (seven kicks). As the name implies, it involves seven different types of kicks. Kicks include front middle kicks, side kicks, hook kicks and jump kicks. During the 8th set, I went for a side left kick. I guess I leaned to far to the side on my right leg since I felt an sharp pain shoot up my upper leg/hip area. =( I believe I pulled my hip flexor, but since I'm not a physiotherapist or one that knows muscles well... I cannot say.

I stretched properly too! Must be old age. =(

And now it's pretty sore. >_< I hope I'll recover soon!

But besides that, I got work done on my essay (about 50% done) and finished a bunch of my readings. Good thing I don't have school tomorrow so I can focus on finishing my essay and getting more done on my lesson plan! Yay! I'm not behind anymore!!


My current dream car! In the end, I probably won't get it, but oh well =P

It's nice to dream! =)

Saturday 22 September 2012

Why is my writing so unsophisticated??? =(

Yesterday in 504, the professor introduced us to a website which analyses your writing and tells you the types of words you use. Pretty much, there are common words and less common words. The purpose of this is to help ELL students to expand their vocabulary and to have the ability to use less uncommon words.

So after she introduced that concept in class, I spent the next couple of minutes with the website (when I should be paying attention) to see what kind of words that I used. Apparently, about 83% of my words were common, thus meaning my vocabulary is not sufficient enough for a native speaking person. =(

Nothing out of the extraordinary happened today so I guess that will be it!

Let's see how sophisticated my blogpost is today...

According to the site,, my common words are around 90% and my uncommon words are at 10%...


For today's picture, its a picture I took for a photo challenge I'm currently engaged in with a couple of friends. Each week, we have a theme and we try to take a picture that best reflect that theme in our opinion. This week's theme was glasses!

I was trying to get a "sunlight through the blinds" look but I guess the sun wasn't strong enough near sunset for that effect. =(

Next week is shoes.... I don't have anything in mind yet, but I'm sure something will come up!

Friday 21 September 2012

Food Blog: Rob's Hunter Chicken at Cactus Club

I almost forgot about my food blog! I remembered after taking a bite out of my chicken today. That is why today's picture may not look as appealing. =(. Also, I guess I should have looked at food blogs to see how the format is like. Please don't mind if it doesn't look like a food blog!

I have to say that the chicken wasn't bad! There was a spot of pink, which I avoided. Otherwise the chicken was very tender! The sides were good as well: mini potatoes and green beans with shiitake mushrooms.

Overall the dish was pretty good, though a bit on the salty side due to the sauce.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Why are you such a troll?!

Yeah for assignments and readings! Woot woot!

So I'll keep this blog short!

Nothing really interesting happened today, so let's move onto the title!

I just finished watching my drama: Legal High. It's a law based drama with tons of comedy. Most Japanese Law dramas are based on a lawyer/prosecutor that fight for justice to the very end, but Legal High is quite different from the typical formula.

In Legal High, the main lawyer, Komikado-sensei goes to any means to win his case. For example, he would blackmail people or create false evidence to win, like in the last case, how he bribed a doctor to misdiagnose a patient with colon cancer (when it was really just a minor stress induced gastroenteritis) to push a case towards his favor.

That made me think of what is really Justice. Is it really the truth, or is it the person who is able to convince the judge/jury on his side of the story.


We find out near the end by Komikado's assistant, Mayuzumi-sensei, that Komikado is burdened by the death of Saori, who was like a daughter to his former boss Miki-sensei. Ever since Saori's death, Miki held a deep grudge against Komikado since Komikado put Saori through medical experiments to push a case towards his favor. However, Komikado does have a sense of regret, thus he believes he needs to win every case to "redeem" himself.

In the final couple of minutes of the drama, we find out that Saori was a hamster that Miki grew fond of during the trial for pharmaceutical testing (I believe this was the case). When Mayuzumi found out, she had a "wtf" moment because she couldn't believe that Miki and Komikado would distance themselves sooooo greatly over the death of a pet animal.

This is why, (besides Komikado's trollish behaviour) my title is what it is today!
Sakai Masato did an EXCELLENT portral of the genius, but trolling actor Komikado!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Why [is an airplane faster than a car]?

I thought I might as well continue with titles starting with "Why" for at least this week! =P

After my workout today, I went to the atrium at school to wait for class. I found a table to sit at and ate my lunch while I looked at my course outline to see what I needed to read for EDUC 501. After a while, a couple of professors asked if they could sit with me since there wasn't any empty tables left and my table had three empty seats. As they sat down, they began to conversate among one another.

Of course, I took this as a chance to eavesdrop.... hehehehe...

All I'm going to say is, that I was quite entertained to hear the professors talk. I won't diverge the exact conversation in due respect to their privacy, but it was interesting to see a professors viewpoint when I'm going to become a teacher myself. (*hint hint, some talk about students). Also, I heard about the life of a professor, as in the private life. No, no, nothing like that, but rather about their childhood or how it was like in the past.

Now onto my title. During 502 today, we were discussing disciplinary learning (I believe...) and the topic drifted onto young children in elementary and how their teachers are required to teach all subjects. One student mentioned how her son was asking her questions one day, contemplating about science (speed of an airplane vs car) and mathematics (Distance between one city and another). Through this small example, there is interdisciplinary between two subjects. I know that math and science pretty much go hand in hand, but this was just one example we talked about!

Thus, that's the rationale behind the title of my blog!

After coming home, I downloaded and installed iOS 6. It took two tries since the first time didn't work for some reason (error 6). It's working now, and I'll do a brief blog about it tomorrow when I get the chance to play with it more.

For those who haven't been keeping up with the iOS 6 news, YouTube is no longer a core application. That is why there's a "new" banner/ribbon on it.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Why does school feel so overwhelming now? =(

I swear its due to all these readings that we have to do. Or maybe the past four months really degraded my reading skills since I didn't really read a lot over the break. Or maybe I'm expecting a lot more from myself since this is my last year of school, thus I have to put in more effort (almost time for job searching season!!).

The list can go on and on. =P

I did enough readings/ted talks for today. It is time to relax and maybe start thinking about my assignments that are due next week. 

Or maybe I should stay up later since I normally go to bed at around 10:30ish... If I stayed up later, I can get more work done! It'll probably take a while to get used to it though...

Well I guess, its a matter of perspective. How can one define what constitutes as overwhelming? To each of us, I guess we have a personal idea of what's overwhelming to us, but to other people, it may just be part of their daily routine. (On the other hand, what is overwhelming to us may be excruciating hell for others!)

ARGGGGG!!! Well enough with the questions and let's move onto the picture of the day

I finally completed my SD Unicorn! I finished building this on Saturday (painted, built, outlined and decaled for a total of about 4 hours) but didn't put on the finishing touches today. I needed to purchase a thin tip red pen so I can color in the red on the arms and legs. They usually don't come pre-painted since it's a SD kit.

For a SD, it has amazing detail. I'm quite pleased with this kit and recommend anybody to give this a go!

Monday 17 September 2012

Why do you taste soooooo good??

No school today, but I went to man the booth for CSS. I scheduled myself for four hours, but I had to leave early today due to an emergency that required my attention at home. =(
Unfortunately though, I was not able to get many people to sign up! =(

Once I got home and got the matter settled, I started to do my readings... So much for less work this semester! (I must have heard the professors wrong during orientation... I swear they said less work...)

And onto the title of my blogpost today. I had processed meat for lunch today. Normally, I don't really like the taste of processed roast beef, but it tasted sooooooo good today! I ate like 8 slices, thus lost probably a couple years from my lifespan. =P

I think it was worth it though!

Sunday 16 September 2012

Why is everyone dying in Gundam AGE?

Sunday started off like any other Sunday. I went to karate.

After karate was done, I went home to eat lunch and got ready to go to school to work on the trifold for CSS's presentation at Clubs Week. Hopefully there will be lots of students wanting to join CSS!

Even though there wasn't much changes done to the trifold, it took about 3 hours to finish it. =/ At least its done though for tomorrow!

After I went home, I relaxed by watching episode 48 of Gundam AGE. More main characters died today. I feel like that there has been too many pointless deaths in the show... unless they're trying to emphasis the theme of devastating losses in war.

For today's picture

A "sneak peak" of the trifold =P

Saturday 15 September 2012

Let's talk about Friday!!

Since Friday is Bro Night, I wasn't able to post about my first Friday yesterday. Starting from next week, I think I'm just going to post a short blog about the food I eat, making it kinda like a Friday Food blog!

I had EDUC 507 in the morning (Integration II). The teacher asked us to arrange the desks into a U shape (or horse shoe) so we were able to face one another when we spoke. We talked briefly about our bios (which reminds me that I should do that assignment for him) and then worked in small groups to discuss Inclusion.

My next class, after a 2 hour break, was EDUC 504: English Language Learners. Essentially, we learnt how to make ELL (can also be known as ESL students back in the day, though not really the correct term) feel welcome in the class. It was a typical lecture, where there's a whole whack of us listening to one professor talk for most of the class. There was some time to watch videos and to discuss strategies that we could use to make ELL students feel part of the classroom.

After class, I stayed at school to read up law cases for 503. They can be quite tedious to read. =/

To end today's blog
A glass cat that I purchased in France 6 years ago. I think I paid about $30 for this... =/

Thursday 13 September 2012

First Thursday

My titles are so original!

I only had the one class today: EDUC 506 (which I had on Tuesday). We started off the class with a name game, where we essential learnt everybody's name in our class. Our instructor already memorized all our names, which I find to be quite amazing!

After the name game, we explored more on the concept of science (what it is, how scientists do science, etc) and worked in small pairs and eventually into group work. And that was pretty much it for 506 today.

Wow, the picture is washed out... but here is my next project. =P
My brother picked it up for me yesterday! =)

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Long Wednesday

It's been a while since I had 3 classes back to back (6 hrs in total). I'm not sure if I ever had 6 hours back to back yet... Guess it'll just be something I have to get used to before the semester is over!

Anyways, my morning started off with EDUC 502: Interdisciplinary learning (or something along the lines). We spent the class discussing how we can look at a tree through different perspectives. In other words, looking at a tree via a biological route, economical route, religious route, historical, geographical and pretty much whatever that comes to mind. I didn't expect it to last the entire class, but it sure did.

After that was EDUC 505: First Nation, Metis and Inuit (if I'm not mistaken). This class is taught by a guy that has 7 degrees!!! And his wife is the TA! Due to his vast experiences, he kept the class quite entertaining for the first half of the class.

Finally, we ended with EDUC 501: Socioculture Theory (and something else which I don't remember). For our first day, we had a guest lecturer who talked to us about slam poetry. To me, it seems like hip hop poetry. The presenter had a lot of energy, which was good since I was feeling quite lethargic at the end of the day.

That's it for today! Time for my drama: Legal High! No picture today =P

Tuesday 11 September 2012

First Day of School!

Today marks my first day of school! I made it so that I didn't have school on Mondays. (Yay for three day weekends =D).

First up for today: EDUC 506 - Specialization II. 506 is a continuation of my secondary science specialization course from last semester. Today, we were greeted by a different instructor. She started off class by attempting to show us a magic trick (in other words, showing us how we can grab the students' attentions on the first day of class). It worked for I was glued to the front of the class for the good first part of the class. Afterwards, we looked at a tree cookie and answered some seemingly "easy" questions on that tree cookie. The question that stumped me was, well I don't recall it specifically but it goes something like this: "How does a tiny seed produce something so large as a tree?"

My answer was that it takes up nutrients from the ground and that helped increased its mass... (if only I thought more about the composition of CARBON based lifeforms like trees....). After spending some time on the worksheet, we watched a video that spoke of how to teach meaningfully (by using the seed --> tree example). Turns out, the answer is carbon dioxide (ie: photosynthesis).

I swear, it's old age that made me forget! =P

After a short break, my next class was EDUC 503 - Law and Ethics in Education (or something like that). We're being taught by a lawyer/PhD/teacher (lots of credentials) who helped written the Alberta charter/policy for schools (if i remember correctly). For this class, he pretty much went over the course outline and then talked about why we should study law and ethics. That led to a discussion of a scenario of the law vs ethics in which we debated the outcome.

And that pretty much marks my first day back to class!

I really have no interesting pictures for today... so here's a picture of my desktop... I hope I didn't use this before... though I have an inkling that I did...

*EDIT: I did... but not really as a desktop picture... =P yay for loopholes!

Monday 10 September 2012

Real Clothes (Japanese Drama Review)

This time, I WAS able to download the drama. That means I was able to take some high quality snapshots using my mac's version of print screen. =)

Brief Synopsis (*Spoilers*) ~Taken from

"Kinue is a saleswoman in the futon section of a department store. One day, she suddenly gets transferred to the women's clothing department, even though she herself is lacking in fashion sense. Her new boss Miki, soon introduces Kinue to the tough reality of the fashion world. Through this job, Kinue learns about the meaning of life, love, and work." - Tokyograph

I was reading reviews online about this drama and some people dubbed this as the Japanese adaptation of The Devil Wears Prada. Since I never watched TDWP, I went onto wikipedia to look up the plot.

Essential, I do agree with the reviewers in that Real Clothes is somewhat like the Japanese version of the Hollywood movie. The main character, Amano Kinue starts out as a successful saleswoman in the futon section of a giant department store (Echizenya) but she quickly gets scouted by the new Chief of Women Clothing, Jinbo Miki - a cold, strict and ambitious woman. Of course, Kinue has no fashion sense and doesn't care about the clothes she wear, as long as they're comfortable. Initially, she had a difficult time adjusting to her new career since she never immersed herself in that kind of life.

Difficulties fitting in with her co-workers

Due to Kinue's work ethics, she tries to study hard and eventually does manage to dress fashionably. Of course, there were the ups and downs to her transformation (including wanting to quit since her Miki belittled her for attempts at being fashionable). At this point the drama shifts from Kinue adjusting her fashion sense to love and her career.

First time we see Kinue after her transformation, in which she first shows it to her boyfriend

The theme shifts to a dilemma that women would probably find more challenging to deal with, compared to men. I am talking about marriage & family life vs their careers. Kinue's boyfriend proposes to her, and she initially accepts the proposal. However, she was torn between marriage and moving to a smaller town (so that her fiancé can take over his father's auto mechanic shop) to her career that is quickly advancing since she passed her manager's exam. In the end, she chooses work over love, for she wanted to make the most of her passion in fashion (along with her work ethics of course!)

After she calls off the wedding

The drama then shifts to it's last theme, which is for Kinue to find her own independence. This is to prepare her for when her co-workers leave the department store to pursue their own interests. During the last few episodes, she learns to accept more of a leadership role that goes beyond what she's normally accustomed to at the very beginning of the drama. At the very end of the drama -due to many of her higher-ups leaving- Kinue takes on the role of the Chief of Women's clothing and (speculating here since it doesn't really say that she does...) helps a special new worker. This worker, like Kinue herself, was transferred from another department to work in the clothing department, despite having no initial interest in doing so. All's well that ends well.

Kinue and the new employee

My take on the drama/Characters/Everything else not explained in synopsis section

Real Clothes, as explained in the drama as being able to find clothes to match your style and express who you are as an individual. It is not as easy as it seems, which is clearly demonstrated by how the main character, Kinue goes through a transformation that involves hard work, determination and heartbreak. 

Kuroki Hitomi plays the role of Jinbo Miki and brings out the strict and ambitious nature quite well. It made me squirm in my chair from time to time as I see her push her employees to their limits. Yet she has logical reasons behind her often wise words. Her first couple of words to Kinue really set the tone for the drama.

Harsh words to somebody you just met for the first time

It is an interesting statement that perhaps bear some truth as we probably all know how its like and feel to wear clothing that matches our style. 

Thus begins the struggles for the main character, which was played by Karina (Yuzu in Daisuki!!), as she begins her transformation from "ugly ducking" (not very convincing since Karina looked pretty decent in sweats) to a beautiful swan. Kinue first enlists the help of her co-worker, Sasaki Ryo (played by Kato Natsuki). Ryo, seemingly closed off to others initially disliked Kinue for her lack of respect to fashion. However in due time, she does teach Kinue the steps of fashion.  

Plays Domyoji's fianceé in Hana Yori Dango 2... I could have never have guessed! 

To make matters a little bit challenging to Kinue, in comes her manager, Tabuchi Yusaku, played by Nishijima Hidetoshi.

A gifted buyer but not so keen when it comes to women...

Yusaku takes Kinue under his wing as a buyer once Kinue passes her manager exam. Yusaku and Miki makes Kinue into a more experienced fashion worker by giving her different tasks like persuading factories to make the clothes for the department or to sign a clothing brand that has never been established in Japan before. How realistic is this is, having a brand new fashionista take on an important task in a mere couple of months... I do not know, yet it was written well enough for me to believe it. 

No drama is complete with some sort of antagonist. Koizumi Kotaro plays Hachiya Hideaki, a rival buyer from another store, and then another rival department. At first, the writer makes it so that Hideaki is solely Yusaku's rival. However as time goes on, here seems to be hints that Hideaki and Miki have some sort of past. Hideaki appears to have a deep grudge against Miki for some unknown reason... till the writer divulge the motive in a later episode.

Turns out that Miki and Hideaki's father were lovers after Hideaki's mother died

What's interesting about this drama, compared to the numerous other dramas I watched, is how none of the important character's love lives tend to work out. The theme here is that work has a more presiding factor than love. Besides Kinue, Yusaku also lost his fianceé since she was fed up with him spending more time at work than with her (which was pretty much the same case with Kinue and her fiancé). With that being said, Miki herself gives up love to further along her career.

Which leads me to what I think is the most touching part of the drama

Hideaki's father encouraging Miki to live her life and not to hesitate with her decision, which Hideaki had no knowledge of at all. Hideaki believed that Miki simply used his father a stepping stone. 

To cap it off, Real Clothes is about the transformation of a fashion-newbie woman to one that dresses with class. It speaks about how clothes can influence a person's life, whether its a boost to self-confidence to a tough, but rewarding career path. The drama does remind viewers that life isn't all too merry and easy. At times, sacrifices must be made in order to live the life a person chooses. Like how Miki puts it,

To not regret things, shouldn't we walkt the path we choose properly? The bigger the relinquished thing becomes, the more will people try their best, I believe. The existence of someone important, who is now far away and leading a different life can give us the power to move forward. Surely, the most important thing in life is with whom you meet. This conclusion also holds... even if it's farewell in the end. 

When Hideaki asks Miki (during a press conference) whether she had any regrets in life (*hint hint "dumping" his father)

Overall, this drama is an enjoyable watch. The beginning was strong with the development of Kinue. The middle part was a bit boring since I thought they strayed a little bit too far from Kinue's growth as a manger (though maybe it's something I couldn't quite pick out =/). The end however, went back to the strengths seen at the beginning of the drama. I really liked how they had Kinue's old look to show how she understands the new worker's anxiety in entering the clothing business.


There's also tons of comedic scenes between the important characters that can make it fall under the comedy genre in my books. I would recommend this drama to anybody that loves fashion and seeing fashion. There are many interesting clothes that Kinue and Miki wear throughout the show.  Also, I would recommend this show to anybody that is looking for some eye-candy. ;)

There's a lot of pretty actresses in this show! =P

And that wraps it up! To end off, here's a couple more snapshots from the drama that I took. 

 These are Karina's real life sisters! They play the role of Miki's personal assistants

 She had the funniest expressions in this drama
 Personalized high heels made for Kinue. I had to say that I really liked the design on these shoes!

Friday 7 September 2012

The Last Summer of my Childhood

Wow, four months has gone by so quickly, yet I can't recall exactly what I did all summer!

This was the first time since... junior high that I didn't have to study during the summer! During my high school years, I was taking theory courses to get my ARCT certificate. During my undergrad in biological sciences, I was taking spring and summer courses to lighten my load during the fall and winter. Between my first degree and my second degree, I was taking a MCAT course (last year).

And now this year. I did absolutely no mandatory studying! Feels great!

Lost some brain cells probably from the lack of math and science...

But in return, I got the chance to express my creative side (playing the piano more... well in the first couple months at least, photography, gundam building, etc). It was definitely a nice change from doing all math and science =P.

So why did I call this post the last summer of my childhood despite being almost close to my mid 20's? Well hopefully, I'll be working full time next year (including some kind of job in the summer). Thus, this summer will be the last summer of pure bliss and joy; the last time I will live such a carefree summer.

Looking back these four months, I can't really recall a time period where I was extremely bored (though I stated it in some of my blog posts). Overall, it was a great time in my life. Besides expressing my creative side, I also got the chance to put in a lot of anime and dramas! And even TV!! (Big shock for me...) I will for sure recollect about this in the coming months.

But it is time now to start becoming like a grown up and move onto the next phrase of my life (with occasional bursts of "childhood immaturity" of course!)

And that's that!

For today's picture
Magazines that I got in the mail yesterday. This is the first time I received three magazines at once. The usually come in one day after another, or a week after another... you get the idea.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Daisuki!! (I Love You Very Much) J-drama Review

I first found out about this drama about a year ago. Unfortunately, it was very difficult for me to find torrents for the raw files since this drama is about four years old. I ended up streaming this drama off

Since I streamed this drama, I am unable to provide clips from the drama 

Also, this is my first review or a single drama! Unlike my previous "Top 5" series, I'll try to go into more detail with the plot and my own views of the story. I don't think it'll go well, but I'll try my best to do, hopefully, a convincing job of a single drama review.

The premise of this drama was very interesting: a mentally disabled couple was expecting a baby, but tragedy struck and killed the father. With only the mother left, her family was worried she wouldn't be able to raise a child by herself (of course, there was that anxiety even with the father alive). However, the mother insists on giving birth and raising the child, so her family supports her as she goes through the hardships of motherhood.

Brief Summary (**Spoiler Alert**)
The main character, Yuzu, has the mental capacities of an eight year old. Knowing this, I wondered how a child could raise another child. As we soon see, she does so, admirably, with the help of her loved ones. This includes her mother, brother, sister-in-law-ish and facility caregiver. 

The entire drama consisted mainly of how Yuzu approaches motherhood, including how to change the diapers of her daughter, Himawari. What seemed to be a straightforward task to us is a challenge for Yuzu. With much effort though, she managed to learn how to change her daughter's diapers.

As Himawari grew up, the tasks became harder and harder, such as teaching her manners and toilet training. At this point of the drama, her family decided to put Himawari in a preschool so she can learn with other children. It took a while to find a preschool that would accept Himawari due to Yuzu's condition (and her reluctance to place Himawari in a preschool because she doesn't want to be separated from her daughter), but they eventually find a place. 

At first, the other mothers who took their children to Himawari's preschool were quite livid when they found out that Yuzu was mentally disabled and that she didn't have a job. (The preschool was really for mothers who had jobs, thus they needed a place to watch their children while they worked). They didn't believe she belong there simply due to her disability. However in due time, Yuzu's happy, innocent nature won a couple of their hearts.

Near the end of the drama, Yuzu's mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which put Yuzu in a deep funk, for she was afraid to lose another parent to cancer (her father died to some kind of cancer when she was very young). Due to her depression, she literally stopped functioning. She took time off from work at the bakery and started to neglect taking care of her daughter to the point that social services was called in after a neighbour/Himawari's classmate mother found out that Yuzu's house was a mess (nobody to wash the dishes) and Himawari wearing dirty clothes. 

In the end though, Yuzu managed to overcome, perhaps her biggest obstacle in this drama, and return back to normal and more. She learnt to do more tasks, that her mother would have done if she wasn't in the hospital. 

Fortunately for Yuzu, everything turned out for the best. Her mother recovered and returned home.

My take on the drama
I read somewhere that this drama was a very low-budget drama. When I hear low-budget, I usually assume that this means simple plot, simple settings, simple everything. It turned out that, yes this story was quite simple. The plot was simple and pretty much predictable. I pretty much knew how the story will turn out. However, simplicity doesn't mean that the drama will turn out to be garbage. I thought that the script was actual quite well made.  

The main theme was the discrimination that disabled people go through AND how their family is affected by the discrimination. For example, Yuzu's brother Ren met resistance when he was trying to get the blessings from his girlfriend's father. He knows that Ren helps raise Himawari and look after Yuzu when the mother is unable to. The father didn't want his daughter to go through a life where she would have to take care of Yuzu and her daughter. The inclusion of how Yuzu's family gave the drama a deeper feel in that it not only focused solely on the person with the disability, but on people closest to that person. 

Overall, it was a very enjoyable watch. Yuzu's innocent happiness taught me that sometimes it's not all about the result, but rather the process of getting to the result. One scene that spoke about this was when she was toilet training Himawari. Himawari had difficulties expressing to others that she needed to go to the toilet to pee, so she would just pee where she was standing. She was also one of the last children to be potty trained. However, she got to a point where she could tell Yuzu that she needed to go to the toilet (but unable to reach it in time). Instead of scolding her child for not being able to go to the toilet, Yuzu was ecstatic and complemented her endlessly.

One downside about this drama was the predictability, though I guess its expected from dramas like these. =P Also, I didn't get the point of Yuzu's sister in law, Kotone, leaving the Fukuhara household at times when she has been accepted as a member of their family. 

I'll just be focusing on the main characters that impacted Yuzu's life.

Fukuhara Yuzu played by Karina

Image taken from: http-//

I was convinced by Karina's performance as Yuzu. (Quite a versatile actress that can play a variety of different roles as you'll soon find out after I write my next review!) Karina managed to bring out the innocent nature of Yuzu.

Yuzu never gave up despite knowing that she was different than other people. She always tried her best at the 

Fukuhara Himawari (Age 5) played by Sasaki Mao [There were other actresses that played the different ages of Himawari, but they were not as large of a factor as Age 5 Himawari]
Image taken from: http-//

Sasaki Mao played her part well as the daughter of Yuzu, acting like any child at the age of 5 would act (I guess she was around the age of 5 as well when she played the part of Himawari...)

Fukuhara Miyoko played by Kishimoto Kayoko
Image taken from (and all other images from here on):

The very supportive mother of Yuzu played by Kishimoto Kayoko. This is the first time I seen Kishimoto so I cannot really judge on her acting skills (nor do I really have the right to I guess...), however I have to say that she did a splendid job at her role as the backbone of the Fukuhara household.

Fukuhara Ren played by Hiraoka Yuta
Yuzu's younger brother who happened to be gifted at the piano. Hiraoka Yuta did a good job at playing the younger brother who had to look after his older sister (when its normally the other way around). Due to an event that involved his sister, he was unable to become a professional pianist since he couldn't play properly for his audition. Near the end of the series, he admits that he feels at times that his sister was a burden to his life, but he didn't really mind (if i remembered correctly...).

Sawada Kotone played by Fukada Saki
Like Karina, Fukada is a versatile actress that can play different types of roles.

Kotone was Yuzu's sister-in-law-ish (for Kotone's brother and Yuzu never officially married). Kotone was brought up in a orphanage and played the foil for Yuzu's character. Initially, she didn't understand why the Fukuharas would treat Yuzu in an almost "Super-gentle" way when she thought that Yuzu was capable of handling things in a more "realistic" approach (hard to explain... =( )Throughout time though, her character soften up and she eventually supports Yuzu full-heartedly. 

Anzai Maki played by Konno Mahiru
Not the most pleasing picture of Konno Mahiru, but I guess this will have to do!

Anzai Maki was one of Yuzu's caretakers at the disability center that Yuzu would go to on a daily basis. Anzai's main role was to support Yuzu, whether it was to listen to Yuzu's problems to helping Yuzu find a job. 

Fujikawa Natsume played by Usada Asami
Ren's girlfriend in the drama who was an accomplished violinist. Initially, Natsume thought that Yuzu was Ren's 2nd girlfriend when she saw the two of them together at Ren's audition. After breaking up with him, she went to go study music abroad in Germany. When she returned to Japan, Natsumi found Yuzu working at a bakery and confronted her about her relationship with Ren, which she found out that she was wrong. 

When finding out about Yuzu's condition, she wanted to learn more about people with mental disabilities. To do that, she volunteered at the care center where Yuzu attended daily. 

Final Words
If you're looking for a light-hearted inspiration drama, then this drama is for you! I learnt much about the human spirit as Yuzu overcomes tasks that we "normal" people deem as mindlessly simple. The story line was simple and predictable but the strong core cast of characters helped keep this drama strong and helped keep Yuzu going whenever she needed their help. 

Score: 8.5/10

*Note: 8.5/10 is a very high score in my books. The highest I ever rated a drama (which includes series like JIN and Mother) is a 9. I'm reserving a 10/10 drama that really blows me away. =P