Sunday 23 September 2012

Why did I have to go injure myself. [The end of my Why blogs]

We were doing "seven kicks" in karate this morning to hopefully enhance our cardiovascular systems to ensure a more wholesom.... ah enough with me trying to improve my use of uncommon words!

So this morning in karate, we were doing an exercise called nana geri (seven kicks). As the name implies, it involves seven different types of kicks. Kicks include front middle kicks, side kicks, hook kicks and jump kicks. During the 8th set, I went for a side left kick. I guess I leaned to far to the side on my right leg since I felt an sharp pain shoot up my upper leg/hip area. =( I believe I pulled my hip flexor, but since I'm not a physiotherapist or one that knows muscles well... I cannot say.

I stretched properly too! Must be old age. =(

And now it's pretty sore. >_< I hope I'll recover soon!

But besides that, I got work done on my essay (about 50% done) and finished a bunch of my readings. Good thing I don't have school tomorrow so I can focus on finishing my essay and getting more done on my lesson plan! Yay! I'm not behind anymore!!


My current dream car! In the end, I probably won't get it, but oh well =P

It's nice to dream! =)

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