Sunday 30 September 2012

I feel like an old car...

that keeps breaking down! I somehow agitated my groin area once again during karate today. I'm not sure how this recent event occurred in the first place! We were doing target practice and I was going for a round-house kick... and then pain shot up my inner thigh.

Afterwards, when I was teaching a kata to a couple of my brown belt helpers, my back starting aching. =(

I need to find a way to recover fully and not break down as often! Age means nothing!!!!!! Or so I think...

Besides karate though, it was a pretty quiet day. I managed to do some readings and look for articles for 503. For my group paper, we're looking at Bill 44 that implemented Section 11.1 of the Human Rights Act. I'm starting to get a better picture of what this bill is all about!

Good thing there's no school tomorrow. It'll give me a chance to do a reading that I missed for 503 (a 50 pager.... oh goodness...)


I didn't have a picture of a broken down car on hand that I could use to describe how I feel at the moment. =/

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