Saturday 29 September 2012


Saturday morning was like any other saturday morning. I get up, eat breakfast and get ready for volunteering.

What differed today though, was how I moved the piano into place. Normally, the piano at the west entrance is located away from my usual spot. I normally have my back against the wall so I can lean back when I take a break =/. To move the piano into my favorite position, I would go behind it and push it. However today, I decided to pull the piano instead of push.

And when I pulled, I ended up pulling it too hard and...

stubbing my right big toe with the right pedal!!!!

It was hard to keep the profanity in, but I managed to do so. The pain was pretty bad though, so I had to limp to my bench and see how bad the damage was.

Luckily, I didn't break any bones in my big toe or break my nail, but I damaged the tissue/skin between the nail and toe (whatever the scientific name is! I believe you get my drift!). There was a pool of blood underneath my nail and some of it was starting to leak out. Otherwise, it seemed to be okay, just a little bit sore!

As you can probably guess, I was limping after volunteer, and continued to limp as I move about my house. =(

For this week's photo challenge, the theme was shoes. Here is my submission! I'm not really fond of the contrast of colors unfortunately. =(

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