Thursday 20 September 2012

Why are you such a troll?!

Yeah for assignments and readings! Woot woot!

So I'll keep this blog short!

Nothing really interesting happened today, so let's move onto the title!

I just finished watching my drama: Legal High. It's a law based drama with tons of comedy. Most Japanese Law dramas are based on a lawyer/prosecutor that fight for justice to the very end, but Legal High is quite different from the typical formula.

In Legal High, the main lawyer, Komikado-sensei goes to any means to win his case. For example, he would blackmail people or create false evidence to win, like in the last case, how he bribed a doctor to misdiagnose a patient with colon cancer (when it was really just a minor stress induced gastroenteritis) to push a case towards his favor.

That made me think of what is really Justice. Is it really the truth, or is it the person who is able to convince the judge/jury on his side of the story.


We find out near the end by Komikado's assistant, Mayuzumi-sensei, that Komikado is burdened by the death of Saori, who was like a daughter to his former boss Miki-sensei. Ever since Saori's death, Miki held a deep grudge against Komikado since Komikado put Saori through medical experiments to push a case towards his favor. However, Komikado does have a sense of regret, thus he believes he needs to win every case to "redeem" himself.

In the final couple of minutes of the drama, we find out that Saori was a hamster that Miki grew fond of during the trial for pharmaceutical testing (I believe this was the case). When Mayuzumi found out, she had a "wtf" moment because she couldn't believe that Miki and Komikado would distance themselves sooooo greatly over the death of a pet animal.

This is why, (besides Komikado's trollish behaviour) my title is what it is today!
Sakai Masato did an EXCELLENT portral of the genius, but trolling actor Komikado!

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