Tuesday 18 September 2012

Why does school feel so overwhelming now? =(

I swear its due to all these readings that we have to do. Or maybe the past four months really degraded my reading skills since I didn't really read a lot over the break. Or maybe I'm expecting a lot more from myself since this is my last year of school, thus I have to put in more effort (almost time for job searching season!!).

The list can go on and on. =P

I did enough readings/ted talks for today. It is time to relax and maybe start thinking about my assignments that are due next week. 

Or maybe I should stay up later since I normally go to bed at around 10:30ish... If I stayed up later, I can get more work done! It'll probably take a while to get used to it though...

Well I guess, its a matter of perspective. How can one define what constitutes as overwhelming? To each of us, I guess we have a personal idea of what's overwhelming to us, but to other people, it may just be part of their daily routine. (On the other hand, what is overwhelming to us may be excruciating hell for others!)

ARGGGGG!!! Well enough with the questions and let's move onto the picture of the day

I finally completed my SD Unicorn! I finished building this on Saturday (painted, built, outlined and decaled for a total of about 4 hours) but didn't put on the finishing touches today. I needed to purchase a thin tip red pen so I can color in the red on the arms and legs. They usually don't come pre-painted since it's a SD kit.

For a SD, it has amazing detail. I'm quite pleased with this kit and recommend anybody to give this a go!

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