Monday 24 September 2012

Interdisciplinary teaching

I spent most of my day today working on my essay for 502. Pretty much, its a brief description of my understanding of my own discipline (Science) and what I know about interdisciplinarity. Since I don't have much opinion or a whole whack of knowledge on the subject yet, it's quite difficult to get my thoughts on paper (when was it really easy for me to get my thoughts down on paper...)

But for the first time, I'm not working on an assignment the day before it's due! Or even on the day that is due for that matter! Props to me! =)

It was recommended that I use a metaphor to explain my discipline and how that relates to interdisciplinarity. For that matter, I tried incorporating building Gundam models (since nothing else really came to mind besides cooking... but my prof used that example in class already!!). I made the parallel between assembling a kit by putting many components together to create one thing; like how interdisciplinarity is to take different disciplines to understand knowledge and/or create new knowledge.

My essay, so far, sounds weird because my ideas are all over the place, but I have tomorrow and Wednesday morning to make edits!

Since I was at home today, and nothing really stood out of my mind, here's today's picture (is that grammatically correct to use two 's in a row?)

I was rewatching BoA's The Shadow MV for the second time in my lifetime today. I didn't really like it the first time around, but giving it some time since the first time I saw it, it was actually not too bad! (The word time appeared three times in my last sentence! Now two in my last!!)

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