Monday 10 September 2012

Real Clothes (Japanese Drama Review)

This time, I WAS able to download the drama. That means I was able to take some high quality snapshots using my mac's version of print screen. =)

Brief Synopsis (*Spoilers*) ~Taken from

"Kinue is a saleswoman in the futon section of a department store. One day, she suddenly gets transferred to the women's clothing department, even though she herself is lacking in fashion sense. Her new boss Miki, soon introduces Kinue to the tough reality of the fashion world. Through this job, Kinue learns about the meaning of life, love, and work." - Tokyograph

I was reading reviews online about this drama and some people dubbed this as the Japanese adaptation of The Devil Wears Prada. Since I never watched TDWP, I went onto wikipedia to look up the plot.

Essential, I do agree with the reviewers in that Real Clothes is somewhat like the Japanese version of the Hollywood movie. The main character, Amano Kinue starts out as a successful saleswoman in the futon section of a giant department store (Echizenya) but she quickly gets scouted by the new Chief of Women Clothing, Jinbo Miki - a cold, strict and ambitious woman. Of course, Kinue has no fashion sense and doesn't care about the clothes she wear, as long as they're comfortable. Initially, she had a difficult time adjusting to her new career since she never immersed herself in that kind of life.

Difficulties fitting in with her co-workers

Due to Kinue's work ethics, she tries to study hard and eventually does manage to dress fashionably. Of course, there were the ups and downs to her transformation (including wanting to quit since her Miki belittled her for attempts at being fashionable). At this point the drama shifts from Kinue adjusting her fashion sense to love and her career.

First time we see Kinue after her transformation, in which she first shows it to her boyfriend

The theme shifts to a dilemma that women would probably find more challenging to deal with, compared to men. I am talking about marriage & family life vs their careers. Kinue's boyfriend proposes to her, and she initially accepts the proposal. However, she was torn between marriage and moving to a smaller town (so that her fiancé can take over his father's auto mechanic shop) to her career that is quickly advancing since she passed her manager's exam. In the end, she chooses work over love, for she wanted to make the most of her passion in fashion (along with her work ethics of course!)

After she calls off the wedding

The drama then shifts to it's last theme, which is for Kinue to find her own independence. This is to prepare her for when her co-workers leave the department store to pursue their own interests. During the last few episodes, she learns to accept more of a leadership role that goes beyond what she's normally accustomed to at the very beginning of the drama. At the very end of the drama -due to many of her higher-ups leaving- Kinue takes on the role of the Chief of Women's clothing and (speculating here since it doesn't really say that she does...) helps a special new worker. This worker, like Kinue herself, was transferred from another department to work in the clothing department, despite having no initial interest in doing so. All's well that ends well.

Kinue and the new employee

My take on the drama/Characters/Everything else not explained in synopsis section

Real Clothes, as explained in the drama as being able to find clothes to match your style and express who you are as an individual. It is not as easy as it seems, which is clearly demonstrated by how the main character, Kinue goes through a transformation that involves hard work, determination and heartbreak. 

Kuroki Hitomi plays the role of Jinbo Miki and brings out the strict and ambitious nature quite well. It made me squirm in my chair from time to time as I see her push her employees to their limits. Yet she has logical reasons behind her often wise words. Her first couple of words to Kinue really set the tone for the drama.

Harsh words to somebody you just met for the first time

It is an interesting statement that perhaps bear some truth as we probably all know how its like and feel to wear clothing that matches our style. 

Thus begins the struggles for the main character, which was played by Karina (Yuzu in Daisuki!!), as she begins her transformation from "ugly ducking" (not very convincing since Karina looked pretty decent in sweats) to a beautiful swan. Kinue first enlists the help of her co-worker, Sasaki Ryo (played by Kato Natsuki). Ryo, seemingly closed off to others initially disliked Kinue for her lack of respect to fashion. However in due time, she does teach Kinue the steps of fashion.  

Plays Domyoji's fianceé in Hana Yori Dango 2... I could have never have guessed! 

To make matters a little bit challenging to Kinue, in comes her manager, Tabuchi Yusaku, played by Nishijima Hidetoshi.

A gifted buyer but not so keen when it comes to women...

Yusaku takes Kinue under his wing as a buyer once Kinue passes her manager exam. Yusaku and Miki makes Kinue into a more experienced fashion worker by giving her different tasks like persuading factories to make the clothes for the department or to sign a clothing brand that has never been established in Japan before. How realistic is this is, having a brand new fashionista take on an important task in a mere couple of months... I do not know, yet it was written well enough for me to believe it. 

No drama is complete with some sort of antagonist. Koizumi Kotaro plays Hachiya Hideaki, a rival buyer from another store, and then another rival department. At first, the writer makes it so that Hideaki is solely Yusaku's rival. However as time goes on, here seems to be hints that Hideaki and Miki have some sort of past. Hideaki appears to have a deep grudge against Miki for some unknown reason... till the writer divulge the motive in a later episode.

Turns out that Miki and Hideaki's father were lovers after Hideaki's mother died

What's interesting about this drama, compared to the numerous other dramas I watched, is how none of the important character's love lives tend to work out. The theme here is that work has a more presiding factor than love. Besides Kinue, Yusaku also lost his fianceé since she was fed up with him spending more time at work than with her (which was pretty much the same case with Kinue and her fiancé). With that being said, Miki herself gives up love to further along her career.

Which leads me to what I think is the most touching part of the drama

Hideaki's father encouraging Miki to live her life and not to hesitate with her decision, which Hideaki had no knowledge of at all. Hideaki believed that Miki simply used his father a stepping stone. 

To cap it off, Real Clothes is about the transformation of a fashion-newbie woman to one that dresses with class. It speaks about how clothes can influence a person's life, whether its a boost to self-confidence to a tough, but rewarding career path. The drama does remind viewers that life isn't all too merry and easy. At times, sacrifices must be made in order to live the life a person chooses. Like how Miki puts it,

To not regret things, shouldn't we walkt the path we choose properly? The bigger the relinquished thing becomes, the more will people try their best, I believe. The existence of someone important, who is now far away and leading a different life can give us the power to move forward. Surely, the most important thing in life is with whom you meet. This conclusion also holds... even if it's farewell in the end. 

When Hideaki asks Miki (during a press conference) whether she had any regrets in life (*hint hint "dumping" his father)

Overall, this drama is an enjoyable watch. The beginning was strong with the development of Kinue. The middle part was a bit boring since I thought they strayed a little bit too far from Kinue's growth as a manger (though maybe it's something I couldn't quite pick out =/). The end however, went back to the strengths seen at the beginning of the drama. I really liked how they had Kinue's old look to show how she understands the new worker's anxiety in entering the clothing business.


There's also tons of comedic scenes between the important characters that can make it fall under the comedy genre in my books. I would recommend this drama to anybody that loves fashion and seeing fashion. There are many interesting clothes that Kinue and Miki wear throughout the show.  Also, I would recommend this show to anybody that is looking for some eye-candy. ;)

There's a lot of pretty actresses in this show! =P

And that wraps it up! To end off, here's a couple more snapshots from the drama that I took. 

 These are Karina's real life sisters! They play the role of Miki's personal assistants

 She had the funniest expressions in this drama
 Personalized high heels made for Kinue. I had to say that I really liked the design on these shoes!


  1. Hi, I was able to finish watching this drama and I really liked it a lot. I was able to complete First Class and Jimi ni Sugoi. Do you have other suggestions? Thank you.

  2. My apologies for the late reply... I should check my comments more often! What types of dramas do you like watching?
