Thursday 27 September 2012

Big Bang Theory is Back!

I meant to post something up yesterday but I was not able to due to my lesson plan for 506. It took longer than I expected and by the time I was finished, it was 12:30 AM. I was too sleepy to post a blog entry, so I left it at that, and went to sleep!

For the first time this semester, I was able to leave on time this Thursday! It definately felt weird to come home when the sun is still shining strongly. After I got home, I relaxed by enjoying the latest free episode of Sket Dance on crunchyroll. I feel sad since Sket Dance finished this week, but Gintama will be back on the air next week to fill up the hole that Sket Dance left.

Ironically, it was Sket Dance that took Gintama's Thursday spot and moved the latter to a Monday time slot. I wonder if Gintama is going to mention that with its season 6 opener. =P

Oh, and Big Bang Theory is back on today! Not the strongest premiere in my books but a decent one to start of the season!

For today's picture (or more like yesterday's picture)
 I never tried the steeped tea from Tim Hortons, nor their new XL size, so I thought why not?
Bad choice...

My bladder never felt so full before! =P

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