Saturday 15 September 2012

Let's talk about Friday!!

Since Friday is Bro Night, I wasn't able to post about my first Friday yesterday. Starting from next week, I think I'm just going to post a short blog about the food I eat, making it kinda like a Friday Food blog!

I had EDUC 507 in the morning (Integration II). The teacher asked us to arrange the desks into a U shape (or horse shoe) so we were able to face one another when we spoke. We talked briefly about our bios (which reminds me that I should do that assignment for him) and then worked in small groups to discuss Inclusion.

My next class, after a 2 hour break, was EDUC 504: English Language Learners. Essentially, we learnt how to make ELL (can also be known as ESL students back in the day, though not really the correct term) feel welcome in the class. It was a typical lecture, where there's a whole whack of us listening to one professor talk for most of the class. There was some time to watch videos and to discuss strategies that we could use to make ELL students feel part of the classroom.

After class, I stayed at school to read up law cases for 503. They can be quite tedious to read. =/

To end today's blog
A glass cat that I purchased in France 6 years ago. I think I paid about $30 for this... =/

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