Tuesday 11 September 2012

First Day of School!

Today marks my first day of school! I made it so that I didn't have school on Mondays. (Yay for three day weekends =D).

First up for today: EDUC 506 - Specialization II. 506 is a continuation of my secondary science specialization course from last semester. Today, we were greeted by a different instructor. She started off class by attempting to show us a magic trick (in other words, showing us how we can grab the students' attentions on the first day of class). It worked for I was glued to the front of the class for the good first part of the class. Afterwards, we looked at a tree cookie and answered some seemingly "easy" questions on that tree cookie. The question that stumped me was, well I don't recall it specifically but it goes something like this: "How does a tiny seed produce something so large as a tree?"

My answer was that it takes up nutrients from the ground and that helped increased its mass... (if only I thought more about the composition of CARBON based lifeforms like trees....). After spending some time on the worksheet, we watched a video that spoke of how to teach meaningfully (by using the seed --> tree example). Turns out, the answer is carbon dioxide (ie: photosynthesis).

I swear, it's old age that made me forget! =P

After a short break, my next class was EDUC 503 - Law and Ethics in Education (or something like that). We're being taught by a lawyer/PhD/teacher (lots of credentials) who helped written the Alberta charter/policy for schools (if i remember correctly). For this class, he pretty much went over the course outline and then talked about why we should study law and ethics. That led to a discussion of a scenario of the law vs ethics in which we debated the outcome.

And that pretty much marks my first day back to class!

I really have no interesting pictures for today... so here's a picture of my desktop... I hope I didn't use this before... though I have an inkling that I did...

*EDIT: I did... but not really as a desktop picture... =P yay for loopholes!

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