Saturday 22 September 2012

Why is my writing so unsophisticated??? =(

Yesterday in 504, the professor introduced us to a website which analyses your writing and tells you the types of words you use. Pretty much, there are common words and less common words. The purpose of this is to help ELL students to expand their vocabulary and to have the ability to use less uncommon words.

So after she introduced that concept in class, I spent the next couple of minutes with the website (when I should be paying attention) to see what kind of words that I used. Apparently, about 83% of my words were common, thus meaning my vocabulary is not sufficient enough for a native speaking person. =(

Nothing out of the extraordinary happened today so I guess that will be it!

Let's see how sophisticated my blogpost is today...

According to the site,, my common words are around 90% and my uncommon words are at 10%...


For today's picture, its a picture I took for a photo challenge I'm currently engaged in with a couple of friends. Each week, we have a theme and we try to take a picture that best reflect that theme in our opinion. This week's theme was glasses!

I was trying to get a "sunlight through the blinds" look but I guess the sun wasn't strong enough near sunset for that effect. =(

Next week is shoes.... I don't have anything in mind yet, but I'm sure something will come up!

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