Monday 3 August 2015

Day 20 - Travelling to Kanazawa and Laundry

Not much was done today besides travelling! We started quite early, checked out at around 9:30 and headed to the train station. We had tickets booked for the 10:10 Marine Liner to Okayama, but I mistaken an earlier train for the one I was supposed to be on (that train left at around 9:45). Good thing my brother told me to get off after he realized I was gone!

That train ride was about 53 minutes. Once we arrived at Okayama, we had 29 minutes to transfer to a Hikari bullet train, bounded for Tokyo. That ride was about 90 minutes in total. Once that part was over, we had 45 minutes before catching the Thunderbird to Kanazawa. 

Our last train was 2 hours and 10 minutes. All in all, we arrived in Kanazawa at around 4. The first thing I noticed about the station was the elaborate Torii gate with a futuristic metal frame surrounding it. Our hotel was about 3 minutes away from the station, making it easy to get to with our luggage in tow. 

Upon checking in, we proceeded to find a laundromat to do our laundry. Unfortunately, the nearest one was full of students who appeared to have finished baseball practice. We tried looking for another one, but to no avail. We headed back to our hotel to drop off our laundry and head to find food. 

After circling around our area for a while, we headed to the nearest department store to check out their restaurants. Initially we wanted sushi, but there was a huge line. We settled for konkatsu, which was amazing. 

After dinner, we checked out the bookstore in the department building before heading to try the laundromat again. It was still busy with students when we arrived, but since we were running out of clothes, we pretty much had no choice but to wait for our turns. 

After about 2 hours, we finally got our laundry done! It was off to the nearest convience store before heading back for the night! 

Tomorrow should be a pretty eventful day!

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